When Kendrick Lamar blasts Mr. Trump, he is preaching to the choir. When Eminem does it, there's a good chance Trump voters are actually listening.

I no longer believe that I'm going to be struck down by a punishing God.

If you crave an anti-new year New Year, consider adopting Rosh Hashana as your own.

There's no question that I am biased toward the Hebrew calendar over the Gregorian one.

I hate New Year's Eve.

One of my favorite things on YouTube is the famous 1965 debate between James Baldwin and William F. Buckley at Cambridge University.

There's no question that Ben Shapiro loves to provoke college students.

Britain beat us to the abolition of slavery; the Isle of Man, New Zealand, and Finland all decided to give women the vote well before the United States. Eventually, we got smart and borrowed these egalitarian innovations.

Culture should be shared, not hoarded.

Few of us doubt that stealing is wrong, especially from the poor. But the accusation of 'cultural appropriation' is overwhelmingly being used as an objection to syncretism - the mixing of different thoughts, religions, cultures, and ethnicities that often ends up creating entirely new ones.

I haven't watched MTV's annual Video Music Awards since Bill Clinton was president. I was wearing a plastic choker, and Alanis Morissette won for 'Ironic.'

I believe that babies should be vaccinated pretty much as soon as they exit the womb.

I believe the Earth is warming.

Since Britain handed over jurisdiction of its former colony to China 20 years ago, the city has operated under the notion of 'one country, two systems.' That increasingly appears to be an empty slogan.

Outrage is something Donald Trump typically has in no short supply.

Dwayne Betts is the kind of man who should be receiving awards from the Connecticut bar. Instead, he hasn't been admitted.

China may brutalize Buddhists in Tibet and Muslims in Xinjiang while denying basic rights to the rest of its 1.3 billion citizens, but 'woke' activists pushing intersectionality keep mum on all that.

Victimhood, in the intersectional way of seeing the world, is akin to sainthood; power and privilege are profane.

In practice, intersectionality functions as kind of caste system, in which people are judged according to how much their particular caste has suffered throughout history.

Has there ever been a crisper expression of the consequences of 'intersectionality' than a ban on Jewish lesbians from a Dyke March?

Mr. Trump had campaigned on attacking the weakest and most vulnerable in our society.

The Women's March moved me.

The leaders of the Women's March, arguably the most prominent feminists in the country, have some chilling ideas and associations. Far from erecting the big tent so many had hoped for, the movement they lead has embraced decidedly illiberal causes and cultivated a radical tenor that seems determined to alienate all but the most woke.

Donald Trump's election was a watershed moment. Even those like me, who had previously pulled levers for candidates of both parties, felt that Mr. Trump had not only violated all sense of common decency, but, alarmingly, that he seemed to have no idea that there even existed such an unspoken code of civility and dignity.