"It's long been our position that cooperation between members of the Colombian armed forces and the paramilitary groups is unacceptable, and we welcome this decision by the courts,"

"The United States will ensure that responses to this reward notice will be kept in strict confidence. Individuals providing information leading to the arrest or conviction of those responsible for the attack on the USS Cole may be eligible for protection of their identities and relocation with their families to the United States."

"in doing that, there may be economic costs, there may be economic consequences. And we are prepared to help Turkey, as [a] friend and an ally, with those economic costs and consequences."

"U.S. diplomatic efforts are being coordinated with the international community in order to help diffuse tension between India and Pakistan. The crisis, though showing signs of abating, is not yet over."

"We'll look at the letter, but that's all it is. Iraq has no choice but to comply with the resolution's terms. Iraq's letter is one of the requirements. The next ones are full disclosure and active cooperation with the inspectors."

"We don?t see a competition between [the United State and] Russia and China. A lot of what we do here is to give the countries of the region the opportunity to make choices and keep them from being bottled up between two great powers, Russia and China."

"complained about inadequate access to him to prepare his defense, and lack of transparency in his trial."

"The Iraqis have been able to put into place the kind of monitoring and control systems that are necessary"

"But what also matters to us is the degree of cooperation we get, the degree of transparency we get, and the degree of commitment we get towards avoiding a repetition."

"Their transparency and cooperation in resolving this matter is a strong example of how states should respond in complying with their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty."

"We've long urged all governments, all people, not to cooperate in military ways, not to engage in any military cooperation with countries like North Korea [that] pose a threat to U.S. national security interests."

"It's a big border and bad guys try to come across. The question is what we, in cooperation with the Canadian government, can do to make both our countries safer."

"We are discussing the circumstances of their detention with Colombian authorities, but do not have any additional information to provide at this time."

"reestablish a certain sense of local authority and policing without involving the remnants of the regime or the torturers who once plagued the lives of ordinary Iraqis."

"expressed appreciation for the tremendous effort China has put into this matter."

"The minister expressed appreciation for the offer, and our embassy in Uzbekistan will be following up in more detail with them,"

"The determination is there, the effort has not slackened in any way, ... We wouldn't be here if we didn't think there was some potential."

"a Libyan government operation from start to finish."

"We understand that conceding to terrorists will only endanger all members of the multinational force as well as other countries who are contributing to Iraqi reconstruction and humanitarian assistance."

"We have no intention of sitting down and bargaining again (with North Korea)."

"We have made quite clear that the influence that Syria has, and others have, on Hezbollah needs to be used in a positive direction and needs to be used to try to restrain these kinds of attacks."

"There is, again, credible information about a threat to the embassy compound."

"What we're trying to do now is get the parameters accepted in a way where the reservations are reconcilable and, therefore, we know that both sides are in a position to negotiate seriously."

"We're told the session was useful. Preliminary reporting indicates that they made some progress."