"When millions applaud you seriously ask yourself what harm you have done; and when they disapprove you, what good."

"Nothing so completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity himself, than straightforward and simple integrity in another."

"There are some frauds so well conducted that it would be stupidity not to be deceived by them."

"The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum"

"Everybody is aware that we almost came to an end without an agreement the other night, ... It's not jovial. It's not acrimonious. I think a serious mood is the best way to describe it."

"We didn't think it was right, ... We didn't think that the American taxpayer, the Voice of America, should be broadcasting the voice of the Taliban."

"There's no question that the requirement is on Arafat right now to take strong and irreversible action, ... reviewing what our policy, what the next steps ought to be."

"We would certainly look to them (the Indian government) to finish their investigation and then consider what action might be appropriate."

"The president's back, we have been working very hard in his absence, and we look forward to his determination, his energy, and his seriousness in carrying the ball and moving forward from here."

"They had good, extensive discussions of Iraq's refusal to disarm and the council's response to deal with this danger. They discussed various ideas about resolution including possible changes in text."

"Events during the last year again demonstrated the crucial role the press plays to advance the struggle for freedom,"

"We think such a position conveys on him certain responsibilities -- to exercise restraint where he has influence to prevent any further escalatory violence,"

"We'll have to work out mechanisms in the agreement -- work out a framework in the resolution or some other mechanism, ... So that these states are allowed to continue to do what they need to do vis-a-vis their trade with Iraq, and particularly in civilian goods for the people of Iraq."

"so-called National Liberation Army, which has threatened civilians and deliberately puts civilians into jeopardy."

"The $34 million that we have for the U.N. Population Fund, with the approval of Congress, will be spent on population programs under [the U.S. Agency for International Development's] Child Survival and Health Program Fund."

"At this point, what the secretary is talking to them about is the environment."

"Verification and transparency are going to be very, very important to us. We're looking for compliance with International Atomic Energy Agency rules and safeguards in that respect."

"Obviously, any punitive measures against her would call into question Cambodia's commitment to fight human trafficking."

"Those are all things that they themselves have made commitments on. And as long as these things are not resolved, they're issues of concern to us."

"North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons is a matter of great concern to the entire international community, and especially to countries in the region, all of whom are interested in participating directly in the talks."

"The international community has made quite clear they want to see the North Korean missile program curbed. The Russians share that desire and we'll be talking to them about how to do it, as well as talking to the allies."

"That makes it important to keep their channels of direct communication open."

"Both the U.S. and Chinese sides noted that our cooperation on this issue reflects strengthened U.S.-China relations and the desire of leaders on both sides to continue to deepen and expand our relationship."

"This development can strengthen cooperation between the United States and China to achieve our common objective of preventing the spread of ballistic missiles that threaten regional and international security."