"I love doing independent films, but it's very hard to make a living that way."

"I have always done my own stunts, and I have been in hundreds of fights in films, but I have never been in a fist fight outside the movies."

"Playing Bill Clinton is really, probably, the scariest time of my career."

"I look for a good story. Usually the best stories are the ones that are unbelievably true. 'Soul Surfer' is one of those stories."

"For many years, I was obsessed about what I was eating, how many calories it had, and how much exercise I'd have to do."

"I have a ranch in Montana, but it's not a real working ranch. I've always liked the outdoors. I come from Texas. My grandfather was a farmer; that's as close as I come."

"I owe the little formal education I got to my drama teacher, Mr. Pickett, who got us to read Shakespeare, Moliere, and other classics."

"When I choose a movie, I'll ask myself: 'Is this a movie I want to see?'"

"Surfing is like golf: You're always battling, and it keeps knocking you down. There are a lot of wipeouts. But when you stay with it and catch that wave, you really taste it. It's magic."

"I'd love to do a golf movie. I turned down Don Johnson's role in 'Tin Cup.' I regret that."

"Nobody can make more fun of me than I already make of myself."

"It says on the back of the Nyquil box, 'May cause drowsiness.' It should say, 'Don't make any plans, OK? Kiss your family and friends good-bye.'"

"Temptation's something you have to deal with even if you're not famous. It's harder when you're famous because it's a lot more in your face, and that makes it a little more difficult to walk away from sometimes."

"When I'm on stage, that's me. It's blown up, but that's me."

"I always hated the Grateful Dead. Never even bought a Led Zeppelin album."

"Doing the same character over and over, it gets boring."

"I wasn't the best student. I wasn't stupid, but I wasn't paying a lot of attention."

"I can't text. My fingers are too big."

"Science fiction was never my thing. I have no interest in it. So I don't think I could successfully pull off being on a project like that without really losing my mind."

"I obviously identify with the anti-authority figure. I've pretty much always had problems with authority, ever since I was a kid."

"I fell asleep during 'Year One' twice. And my son, who never falls asleep during a Jack Black movie, also nodded off. That's how bad it was. I was incredibly disappointed."

"What's politically correct a lot of times is not funny."

"Wolfhounds helped kill off the wolves in Ireland."

"I'm a pretty boring guy. Compared to Ashton Kutcher, I live a really boring existence."