"She took pictures of germs, viruses, and people reacting to germs and viruses. On weekends, for extra money, she photographed weddings, which really wasn't that much of a stretch"

"I was a smart-ass, born and raised. This had been my curse and would continue to be so."

"I'd always thought that I understood this, but lately I realize that what I call "understanding" is basically just fantasizing."

"This was the consequence of seeing too much and understanding the horrible truth: No one is safe. The world is not manageable."

"Given enough time, I guess anything can look good. All it has to do is survive."

"But I have no mind for business and considered staying awake to be enough of an accomplishment."

"I was just struggling with my inner vachette and pondering the depths of my own inhumanity."

"I needed to temper (my dad's) enthusiasm a bit (about attending Princeton), and so I announced that I would be majoring in patricide...My mom was actually jealous."

"People are often frightened of Parisians, but an American in Paris will find no harsher critic than another American."

"In other parts of the country people tried to stay together for the sake of the children. In New York they tried to work things out for the sake of the apartment."

"There is still the outside world to contend with. A world of backfiring cars, and their human equivalents."

"Say what you will about the south, but in North Carolina a hot dog is free to swing anyway it wishes."

"At first, writing for The New Yorker was very scary to me. I couldn't imagine anything that I would write in that typeface."

"And when Hugh would grow progressively Gandhi on me, I'd remind him that these were pests---disease carriers who feasted upon the dead and then came indoors to dance upon our silverware."

"College is the best thing that can ever happen to you," my father used to say, and he was right, for it was there that I discovered drugs, drinking, and smoking.."

"Whenever I read a passage that moves me, I transcribe it in my diary, hoping my fingers might learn what excellence feels like."

"Often I'd take out my magnifying glass and stare into the chaos that was her face."

"He looked as though his life had not only passed him by but paused along the way to spit in his face."

"The rabbit of Easter. He bring of the chocolate."

"The worst thing a man can admit is 'I'm not 100 percent fulfilled by my family.' But it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family. I love my family, but I still want to work; I still want challenges. It took me a while to fall in love with the responsibility of family life, and it was a deep thing when I did."

"'Duch' means spirit and 'ovny' is kind of the adjectival ending, so the word itself means spiritual. It's my father's name, obviously. He took the 'H' out because he was tired of people saying Duchovny, but he never did it legally. When my parents divorced, my mother, to my father, put the 'H' back in."

"'The X-Files,' as I recall, we didn't know really what we were until the middle of the first year. You know, so if we'd been cancelled, you get cancelled before you mature into what it is you can actually be, which is too bad."

"What strikes me is that 'XIII' looks like a movie. The shot making is movie-like, which is kind of fun - the kind of playful action movie shot making is pretty, is pretty good. What's also great about this game is its style and interesting story-line."