"I don't like the idea of being eaten by a shark. I like to swim in the ocean, and I think much more about sharks than anyone should. I really resent the fact that my oceangoing experiences are ruined by 'Jaws.'"

"I'm not really a gamer."

"I've turned down jobs because I've said, 'Honestly, I can't find my way in. I can't do it. I love you, as a director. I think the script is good. You deserve better than I think I can do.'"

"My whole life, I've wanted things before I was ready. I was always pushing for the next job, the next success. I was so focused on achieving and the path that I was missing some great point about life."

"It's not someone else's responsibility to honor my marriage. It's my responsibility."

"Women's fashion is a subtle form of bondage. It's men's way of binding them. We put them in these tight, high-heeled shoes, we make them wear these tight clothes and we say they look sexy. But they're actually tied up."

"One of the scary things is that, when you're a kid, you look at your dad as the man who has no fear. When you're an adult, you realize your father had fear, and that you have it, too."

"If you have Darwin, Christ and Nietzsche, they're all going to talk at once. You need somebody who listens."

"At one time there were voiceover artists, now there are celebrity voiceover artists. It's unfortunate because these people need the money less than the voiceover artist."

"People always love and respect characters who speak the truth, even if the truth hurts."

"Suffering is only suffering if it's done in silence, in solitude. Pain experienced in public, in view of loving millions, was no longer pain. It was communion."

"It was as if, for a moment, she thought Mae was one kind of person, but now, knowing she was another, she could part with her, she could give her back to the world."

"The Earth is an animal that shakes off its fleas when they dig too deep, bite too hard. It shifts and our cities fall; it sighs and the coasts are overtaken."

"But without William K, I would have forgotten that I had not been born on this journey. That I had lived before this."

"People don't like to be kept away from what they want. Especially when it appears within their reach. It makes one doubly angry."

"The Earth is an animal that shakes off its fleas when they dig too deep, bite too hard."

"There is no faith like the faith of a builder of homes in coastal Louisiana"


"I often cannot believe the things I do."

"Stasis is itself criminal for those with the means to move."

"The peculiar problem of constant connectivity: any silence of more than a few hours provokes apocalyptic thoughts."

"The issue is complex, but like many matters in Sudan, it is not as complex as Khartoum would want the west to believe."

"I am the Olympics."

"Recently, I've discovered Radiohead and find them to be quite good. So clearly, I'm some kind of musical retard. (Jonathan Ames, Middle-American Gothic)"