"You sit at a desk twelve hours a day and you have nothing to show for it except some numbers that won't exist or be remembered in a week. You're leaving no evidence you lived. There's no proof."

"Love is implicit in every connection. It should be. Thus when absent it makes us insane. (You Shall Know Our Velocity)"

"It all meant something. Until it didn't."

"How had this happened? Everyone in the world knew more than us, about everything, and this I hated then found hugely comforting."

"Here I am Rock You Like a Hurricane."

"Pain comes at me and I take it, chew it for a few minutes, and spit it back out. It's just not my thing anymore."

"3. There are bears and there are small dogs. Be strong like bear! If they take out your teeth, sit on the dogs. Bears always forget they can just sit on the dogs. Sit on the dogs."

"I have no idea how people function without near-constant internal chaos. I'd lose my mind."

"Be strong, be brave, be true. Endure."

"Thank you," he says. "Thank who?" "I don't know. You?" "No, not me. Jesus." "Thank you, Jesus?" "Yes, Toph, Jesus died for your Christmas fun."

"I was feeling everything too much. Everything pulled at my eyes. I spent hours floating in pools."

"When there is pleasure, there is often abandon, and mistakes are made."

"Better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb than in the middle of some ladder you don’t, right?"

"And there is a chance that everything we did was incorrect, but stasis is itself criminal for those with the means to move, and the means to weave communion between people."

"Dignity is an affectation, cute but eccentric, like learning French or collecting scarves."

"Why did we do that to Pluto? We had it good with Pluto."

"Goddamn sometimes I only want this feeling to stay and last."

"I see colors like you hear jet planes."

"I hung up the phone, jubilant, and threw myself into a wall, then pretended to be getting electrocuted. I do this when I'm very happy."

"If you don't want anyone to know about your existence, you might as well kill yourself. You're taking up space, air."

"All we really want is for no one to have a boring life, to be impressive, so we can be impressed. ~ on the friends we choose."

"Once a year, she remembers that she is insignificant. Then she forgets agains, because more than she is insignificant, she is forgetful."

"Why do you want to be on The Real World? -Because I want everyone to witness my youth Why? -Isn't it gorgeous?"

"It is no way to live, to wait to love."