"We get out of life what we put into it. The way we treat others is the way we ourselves get treated."

"If we recognize our talents and use them appropriately, and choose a field that uses those talents, we will rise to the top of our field."

"When I treat other people with kindness and love, it is part of my way of paying my debt to God and the world for the privilege of living on this planet."

"It does not matter where we come from or what we look like. If we recognize our abilities, are willing to learn and to use what we know in helping others, we will always have a place in the world."

"Here is the treasure chest of the world - the public library, or a bookstore."

"If you hear how wonderful you are often enough, you begin to believe it, no matter how you try to resist it."

"If we acknowledge our need for God, he will help us."

"God has given us more than fourteen billion cells and connections in our brain. Why would God give us such a complex organ system unless he expects us to use it?"

"Everyone in the world worth being nice to. Because God never creates inferior human beings, each person deserves respect and dignity."

"Everyone in the world worth being nice to. Because God never creates inferior human beings, each person deserves respect and dignity."

"Do your best and let God do the rest."

"Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give."

"One promises much, to avoid giving little."

"We are so presumptuous that we think we can separate our personal interest from that of humanity, and slander mankind without compromising ourselves"

"Clarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts."

"Back 12 years ago, when Dr. Mathews was president here, we had a plan that when I got ready to quit, we'd bring a certain guy in and he'd take over that day and I'd leave. But as time wore on, I realized that wouldn't have been good at all."

"If it hadn't been for Henry Ford's drive to create a mass market for cars, America wouldn't have a middle class today,"

"They are like the clue in the labyrinth, or the compass in the night"

"I thought: this is how life is, ridiculous beyond comprehension."

"It's the one thing we never quite get over: that we contain our own future."

"A choir of seedlings arching their necks out of rotted tree stumps, sucking life out of death. I am the forest's conscience, but remember, the forest eats itself and lives forever."

"It's terrible to lose somebody, but it's also true that some people never have anybody to lose, and I think that's got to be so much worse."

"It's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time."

"When moral superiority combines with billowing ignorance, they fill up a hot-air balloon that's awfully hard not to poke."