“I have learned to save myself useless emotion.”

“Tea's a thing that need never be finished.”

“Death, mademoiselle, unfortunately creates a prejudice. A prejudice in favour of the deceased... There is a great charity always to the dead.”

“It is completely unimportant,” said Poirot. “That is why it is so interesting,” he added softly.”

“If the thing you want beyond anything cannot be, it is much better to recognize it and go forward, instead of dwelling on one's regrets and hopes.”

“You want beauty,” said Hercule Poirot. “Beauty at any price. For me, it is truth I want. Always truth.”

“I dare say it is good for one now and again to realize what an idiot one can be! But no one relishes the process.”

“One's own troubles sharpen one's eyes sometimes.”

“I believe, Messieurs, in loyalty---to one's friends and one's family and one's caste.”

“One always has hope for human nature”

“...You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.”

“Any coincidencce is worth noticing. You can throw it away later if it is only a coincidence.”

“I am not mad. I am eccentric perhaps--at least certain people say so; but as regards my profession. I am very much as one says, 'all there.”

“It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them”

“If the fact will not fit the theory - let the theory go”

“Ah, but my dear sir, the why must never be obvious. That is the whole point.”

“Poirot thought it not quite professional to begin a routine working day before ten.”

“Oh, yes. I've no doubt in my own mind that we have been invited here by a madman-probably a dangerous homicidal lunatic.”

“When you're in the middle of a nightmare, something ordinary is the only hope. Anyway, ordinary things are the best. I've always thought so.”

“Hasting - There are times when it is one's duty to assert oneself.”

“Why didn't they ask the Evans?”

“A diary is useful for recording the idiosyncrasies of other people—but not one’s own.”

“One does see so much evil in a village,' murmured Miss Marple in an explanatory voice.”

“In every profession and walk of life there is someone who is vulnerablle to temptation. (Mr. Barnes)”