“If the little grey cells are not exercised, they grow the rust.”

“How true is the saying that man was forced to invent work in order to escape the strain of having to think.”

“Truth is seldom romantic.”

“The dog hunts rabbits. Hercule Poirot hunts murderers.”

“The spoken word and the written - there is an astonishing gulf between them. There is a way of turning sentences that completely reverses the meaning.”

“What you do not understand is that there are things that cannot be bought.”

“The impossible cannot have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.”

“One gets infected, it is true, by the style of a work that one has been reading.”

“Life itself is an unsolved mystery", said the clergyman gravely.”

“It is always a shock to meet again someone whom you have not seen for a long time but who has been very much present in your mind during that period.”

“It is deplorable...to remove all the romance - all the mystery!”

No, I wouldn't. I wouldn’t tell a soul.' 'People who use that phrase are always the last to live up to it.”

“That's the curious part about speaking the truth. No one does believe it.”

“I have, let me confess it in all humility, a pitiful human wish that someone should know just how clever I have been”

“Youth is a failing only too easily outgrown.”

“When will a woman lie? Sometimes for herself. Usually for the man she loves. Always for her children.”

“I think people more often kill those they love, than those they hate. Possibly because only the people you love can really make life unendurable to you.”

“Sensationalism dies quickly, fear is long-lived.”

“Some of us, in the words of the divine Greta Garbo, want to be alone.”

“One never quite allows for the moron in our midst.”

“... one may live in a big house and yet have no comfort.”

“If I were at any time to set out on a career of deceit, it would be of Miss Marple that I should be afraid.”

“A weak man in a corner is more dangerous than a strong man. (Inspector Miller)”

“In everybody's life there are hidden chapters which they hope may never be known.”