Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved.

It's no secret that we were sticking just about every nickel we had on the chance that people would really be interested in something totally new and unique in the field of entertainment.

“When all is lost, there is still a memory.”

“Nothing reminds us of an awakening more than rain.”

“Those who hate rain hate life.”

“With your goal you make the one.”

“It is futile to spend time telling stories about the fleetness of each day.”

“Beauty is a cheap word, but beauty remains priceless.”

“It is vain futility to analyze the algebra of time.”

“To go where no one else has ever gone before is the secret of heroism.”

“Good is not always good.”

“To go against the grain is the secret of bravery.”

“We traveled long and forgot why poetry was invented.”

“To write good poems is the secret of brevity.”

“A star needs a star.”

“To understand possible means to understand impossible.”

“If emptiness is endless, then everything rests in emptiness.”

“In an endless silence even screams sound silent.”

“The eyesight for an eagle is what thought is to a man.”

“The world is a navy in an empty ocean.”

“To cut and tighten sentences is the secret of mastery.”

“When I want to be reminded of stupidity, especially my own, I turn on the TV.”

“{369} HOPE. I do believe, as you say, that fear tends much to men's good, and to make them right, at their beginning to go on pilgrimage.”

“No fears, no Grace, said James. Tho’ there is not always Grace where there is the fear of Hell, yet to be sure there is no Grace where there is no fear of God.”