“But one morning as I was again at prayer, and trembling under the fear of this, That no word of God could help me, that piece of a sentence darted in upon me, My grace is sufficient. ”

“(Cease, my son, to hear the teaching that induces one to deviate from the reasons of wisdom. – Prov. 19:27)”

“I also know that a man, by the way he lives his life, can quickly invalidate whatever arguments or advice he presents to others for their own good. Yet”

“The pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come, delivered under the similitude of a dream, wherein is discovered the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey, and safe arrival at the desired country.”

“For I have been in my preaching, especially when I have been engaged in the doctrine of life by Christ, without works, as if an angel of God had stood by at my back to encourage me:”

“I seek an incorruptible inheritance,” Christian answered. “It’s pure and untarnished, and it never fades.”

“He who is down, needs fear no fall; He who is low, has no pride. He who is humble ever shall Have God to be his guide.”

“My name at the first was Graceless.”

“Do you see yonder shining light? He said, I think I do. Then said Evangelist, Keep that light in your eye, and go up directly thereto,”

“Pure religion and undefiled, before God and the Father, is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

“It’s wonderful! Music in the house! Music in the heart! And music also in heaven, for joy that we are here!”

“There’ll be no more crying, or sorrow; for the owner of the place will wipe all tears from our eyes.”

“On the Day of Judgment , life and death are not determined by the world but by God's wisdom and law”

“Christian nodded. “Now I see that Patience has superior wisdom in many ways. First of all, because he waits for the best things. Second, because he will also have the glory of his inheritance, when the other has nothing but rags.”

“But though this be so, yet since things present and our fleshly appetite are such near neighbours one to another; and again, because things to come, and carnal sense, are such strangers one to another; therefore it is, that the first of these so suddenly fall into amity, and that distance is so continued between the second.”

“If you continue in this direction you are likely to experience wearisomeness, painfulness, hunger, perils, nakedness, sword, lions, dragons, darkness, and, in a word, death, and who knows what else.”

“Then said Good-Will, "Alas, poor Pliable! Is the celestial glory of so little value to him that he considers it unworthy of his hazarding a few difficulties to obtain it?"

“It is profitable for Christians to be often calling to mind the very beginnings of grace with their souls. ”

“They hold on to their beliefs, even though all other men oppose them. But I’m for religion that is tolerant of the times and not a threat to my safety. They are for Religion when he dresses in rags and is considered contemptible. But I am for him when he walks in his silver slippers, in the sunshine, and with applause.” Mr.”

“Everyone needs to make his own choices. You need to mind your own business and not meddle in ours." So”

“They now see with Heaven's eyes the schemes, traps, enticements, and entertainments of the world in a new way. So”

“it is common for those that have called themselves His servants, after awhile to give Him the slip, and return again to me.”

“Most men will not ignore the present world that they can see in order to make the world they cannot see the object of their desires. Therefore, there is an immediate friendship between this world and a man's fleshly desires and a corresponding distance between carnal man and eternal things.”

“The hill, though high, I desire to ascend, The difficulty will not me offend;