With the young generation, there are even more women than men making movies right now.

I'm really good at mini-golf. You know, maybe not big person golf, but little person golf.

I think Hillary Clinton understands the ins and outs of the White House better than anyone who's come before her.

Hillary Clinton is incredibly prepared and smart on all of the issues.

I think people who aren't in film experience that when they hear their voice on an answering machine or something.

I campaigned for Hillary Clinton when she was in the primaries against [Barack] Obama, actually.

Hillary Clinton wants to push for equal pay and for paid family leave and for better and cheaper childcare.

They were anxious to make men of us, by which they meant making us like themselves.

Of course some of us had some geography in school and had studied maps, but a school map is a terribly uncommunicative thing.

Are you New World or Old?' 'Sounds like a novel by Henry James.' 'Never read him.' 'Don't. But that was his question and he plumped for the Old.

Myself: But wasn't the decision a right one? Am I not here? What more could Feeling have achieved than was brought about by Reason?

And why should it not be terrifying? A little terror, in my view, is good for the soul, when it is terror in the face of a noble object.

He gave me this advice one time: Never marry your childhood sweetheart, he said; the reasons that make you choose her will all turn into reasons why you should have rejected her.

He became an unimaginative woman's creation. Delilah had shorn his locks and assured him he looked much neater and cooler without them. He gave her his soul, and she transformed it into a cabbage.

Wisdom may be rented...on the experience of other people, but we buy it at an inordinate price before we make it our own forever.

I learned later that the former operator of Abdullah had been a dwarf who cannot have been fastidious about his person, and there was a strong whiff of hot dwarf as I grew hotter myself.

...so Leola thought that a modest romance with a hero in embryo could do no harm - might even be a patriotic duty.

I seemed to be the only person I knew without a plan that would put the world on its feet and wipe the tear from every eye.

Men have this climacteric, you know, like women. Doctors deny it, but I have met some very menopausal persons in their profession.

Sometimes fear could be forgotten, but never for long.

Nobody ever reads the same book twice.

Geordie wrote a letter to Mr. Webster in which the shrieking figure of Apology was hounded through a labyrinth of agonized syntax.

But what I knew then was that nobody-not even my mother-was to be trusted in a strange world that showed very little of itself in the surface.

If you are determined on the religious life, you have to toughen up your mind. You have to let it be a thouroughfare for all thoughts, and among them you must make choices.