I was just lucky enough to grow up in a time when they actually had drama departments in schools.

I'm so vigorous, and I so take it for granted, because I've always been a real physical person.

Nothing is impossible for God.

It's a clear day Sonny, L A N D.

Who you are at 20 will not be who you are at 40 and if it is, SOMETHING IS WRONG!

I got 27 people livin in my head and all of them was about to beat the heck out of you for doin that..

We never worry about the big things, just the small things.

I've been vegan since I got out of the hospital... It's another eye opener. It changed my life in a number of ways.

I run every day now. I never ran before.

Sniff looked at them and noticed that they were much smaller than he was, so he felt kinder and said, condescendingly. "Hullo. Nice to see you.

There was so much to talk about that nothing was said. It was warm sitting there on the steps. Everything seemed to be so right.

And that night he couldn't sleep, but lay looking out at the light June night which was full of lonely whisperings and rustlings and the pattering of feet. The air was sweet with the smell of flowers.

Pearls' burst out the Snork Maiden excitedly. 'Could ankle rings be made out of pearls?' 'I should think they could,' said Moomintoll. 'Ankle-rings, and nose-rings and ear-rings and engagement rings...

There are those who stay at home and those who go away, and it has always been so. Everyone can choose for himself, but he must choose while there is still time and never change his mind.

...now and then a giggling trail of mermaids appeared in our wake. We fed them oatmeal.

Everything's much too big here,' thought Moominmamma. 'Or perhaps I'm too small.

Smell is important. It reminds a person of all the things he's been through; it is a sheath of memories and security.

It looks rather ordinary," said the Snork. "Unless you consider that a top hat is always somewhat extraordinary, of course.

The thing about God, she thought, is that He usually does help, but not until you've made an effort on your own.

When Jim Irsay called me five years ago, he told me, 'I want you to be our coach and help us win the Super Bowl.' He told me, 'We are going win it the right way. We are going to win it with great guys; win it with class and dignity. We are going to win it in a way that will make Indianapolis proud.'

It's okay to wander.

We often can't see what God is doing in our lives, but God sees the whole picture and His plan for us clearly.

The Lord doesn't always take you in a straight line. He tests you sometimes.

Sometimes I think God wants there to be a circus so we can show there's another way to respond.