To make the films I want, I just have to live within my means and scale down my lifestyle - and be with somebody who's cool with that.

If I was a young man, I might have bypassed the whole comedian-actor thing and just been a filmmaker. Then I'd probably have spent my whole life going, 'I wonder if I could have been a comedian.'

People go, 'Oh, Trump must be good for comedy,' and I go, 'Ehhh.'

I've been making fun of administrations since I was a teenager onstage.

Certainly, shows like 'Black Mirror' helped me. I should send them a fruit basket.

I've probably done myself a disservice as a brand because the movies I've made. They've all been completely different.

My approach to making movies is different than other people, because I just write a lot of screenplays. I'm constantly writing screenplays.

When I get to make a movie, I really try to make it on my own terms.

I like stand-up. I've done it since I was a teenager, so it's kind of my first job and first kind of creative way to express myself.

I'm not really trying to reach a big mass of an audience. My movies are done for a tiny, tiny budget, and that affords me to make them more personal.

I would love to make a horror picture!

My daughter and my wife inspire me to make movies.

I like writing and directing. I enjoy telling stories, and I think it's born in a comedian to end up directing.

I don't really pursue acting. I jokingly say that I retired right at the same time people stopped hiring me, but I really don't think I'm very good at it, and I'm not really interested in it anymore as an adult.

Be it in the movies I make or on stage, I think it's a trap to keep doing the same thing over and over again.

People seem to think that I'm not aware of how people perceive me. But I'm the one that has to talk about 'Police Academy' all day long 27 years later. I'm totally aware of it.

I think, the first movie I saw that made me go, 'How did they do that?' was 'Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster.'

'The Blair Witch Project' is a great movie.

The thing that interested me, there are so many filmmakers I admire - like David Lynch and Quentin Tarantino - they have these themes where there's not much going on, but they were suspenseful.

At the same time most people were getting out of college, I was offered a buttload of cash to star in a movie. I don't think most students would have said no.

I was in this hamster wheel of being famous for being famous, much like a reality star. You would put me on a talkshow, I would say outrageous things. I was just perpetuating myself as a celebrity, and I found that really empty.

I'm a redneck.

I'm a weird mixture of being cynical but at the same time wanting to live in a world where Bigfoot lives.

I'm really not a fan of letting the audience live vicariously through stuff.