There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell.

You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will.

War is at its best barbarism.

I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices today than any of you to secure peace.

I will accept no commission that would tend to create a rivalry with Grant. I want him to hold what he has earned and got. I have all the rank I want.

The scenes on this field would have cured anybody of war.

The more Indians we can kill... the less will have to be killed the next war, for the more I see of these Indians, the more convinced I am that they all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers.

You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end.

After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side.

You might as well appeal against the thunderstorm.

I see every chance of a long, confused and disorganizing civil war, and I feel no desire to take a hand therein.

The ability to breathe the air and drink the water will be what the wars will be about from here on in. And it's coming with alarming rapidity.

Hitler had had entirely too brilliant a graphics department, and had understood the power of branding all too well.

Members of the Senate and House, if they want to send troops into war, should be forced to send a family member. That would really make everyone stop and go, 'Ohhh-kaaay.'

There have been only 268 of the past 3,421 years free of war.

And so I'm saying that, yes, colonialism was terrible, and I describe it as a legacy of wars, but we ought to be moving away from that by now.

It is evident that many wars are fought over resources which are now becoming increasingly scarce. If we conserved our resources better, fighting over them would not then occur…so, protecting the global environment is directly related to securing peace…those of us who understand the complex concept of the environment have the burden to act. We must not tire, we must not give up, we must persist.

All efforts to make politics aesthetic culminate in one thing, war.

You see that even the enemy did not dare to declare war against us till they had seized our generals, for they were sensible that, while we had commanders and yielded obedience to them, we were able to conquer them; but, having seized our commanders, they concluded that we should, from a want of command and discipline, be destroyed.

When a nation forgets her skill in war, when her religion becomes a mockery, when the whole nation becomes a nation of money-grabbers, then the wild tribes, the barbarians drive in... Who will our invaders be? From whence will they come?

“The Indians had only the two alternatives of war or civilization; in other words, they must either have destroyed the Europeans or become their equals.”

"We talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War II, and so we’ve been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before."

“the spirit of commerce has a tendency to soften the manners of men, and to extinguish those inflammable humors which have so often kindled into wars.”