Virtue is a state of war, and to live in it we have always to combat with ourselves.

"This is not class warfare, this is generational warfare. This administration and old wealthy people have declared war on young people. That is the real war that is going on here. And that is the war we've got to talk about."

"There are grave misgivings that the discussion on ecology may be designed to distract attention from the problems of war and poverty."

"I am frequently attacked."

"Never offend an enemy in a small way."

"War is never fatal but always lost. Always lost."

"Iraq is no diversion. It is a place where civilization is taking a decisive stand against chaos and terror, we must not waver."

"There are cameras nowadays that have been developed to tell the difference between a squirrel and a bomb."

"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."

"With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got."

"The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States - and war is what they got."

"Hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women are deployed across the world in the war on terror. By bringing hope to the oppressed, and delivering justice to the violent, they are making America more secure."

"I think war is a dangerous place."

"One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."

"Peace means far more than the opposite of war."

"I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating... because it causes war, hypocrisy and competition."

"A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around."

"The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war."

"I believe - though I may be wrong, because I'm no expert - that this war is about what most wars are about: hegemony, money, power and oil."

"If there is no direct threat why are we invading?"

"As we come to know the seriousness of the situation, the war, the racism, the poverty in our world, we come to realize that things will not be changed simply by words or demonstrations. Rather, it's a question of living one's life in a drastically different way."

"The works of mercy are the opposite of the works of war, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, nursing the sick, visiting the prisoner. But we are destroying crops, setting fire to entire villages and to the people in them. We are not performing the works of mercy but the works of war."

"What I hate about Halle Berry is there's always drama around her. It's always fighting, automobile accidents, fistfights, boyfriends fighting ex-husbands for the child."

"In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map. Libya was stable. Egypt was peaceful. Iraq was seeing a really big, big reduction in violence. Iran was being choked by sanctions. Syria was somewhat under control."