I'm a Taurus. To the bone.

It's simple. Eat well, exercise and get lots of sleep but make sure you indulge occasionally. At my age , I think , what the hell , and eat a Krispy Kreme doughnut !

I decided I needed something that I could feel as passionate about as acting, and something in which I could completely lose myself. I started painting, and I'm still doing it.

De Niro is a classic example of somebody who is iconic and who sort of effortlessly puts actors at ease the moment you meet him. I think it's also just something that he innately does with people.

When I first started out, I said to myself, if this doesn't happen there will be something else that I can do. That seemed possible because I knew how to do so many different kinds of jobs.

I was considered the black sheep of the family, neighbours didn't want their kids playing with me.

I think all actors have a sadomasochistic streak, because acting is kind of brutal, you know.

I never wanted to have to take a job because I didn't have any money.

Being from Orange County is in a lot ways very much like being from the Midwest.

I still think people will find out that I’m really not very talented. I’m really not very good. It’s all been a big sham.

I can't imagine myself blowing up supermarkets!

I don't believe men want women to have grotesque plastic surgery or be undernourished and bony. All the plastic surgery in the world can't stop you getting older.

If I really want to do something, I'll go in and do whatever the director feels that he needs me to do.

My father was very strict, but mostly I just didn't know how to behave on a date.

Women are brought up to think it's acceptable to pay attention to their faces. Men translate their discomfort into their behavior.

Maybe I haven't done enough movies, but haven't found that men are more difficult than women.

I'd been taking singing lessons and I had taken dance, because I loved to dance, but I had never considered myself a professional at all.

I've been working since I was 14, and my father, being very conservative, has always been strict about my having a savings account.

I liked getting up at 4 in the morning, driving on the freeway, and going in and stocking shelves and laughing with the stock clerks.

I guess I do a really good job at covering.

I still look like a duck.

Actually, I think that turning 29 was more difficult, because once I turned 29, I anticipated 30 for the whole year, so by the time 30 came around it really wasn't that bad.

People who are rude to waiters... I don't like that sort of thing. People who take cuts in line... it doesn't fly!

It never occurs to me that I'd be intimidating to anybody. Maybe I should consider that.