My favorite food in the world is Mexican food. I'm not a dessert person. I'm more of a crunchy, salty girl. I could live on chips and salsa. I would take a Mexican meal over some fancy French cuisine anytime.

I know that I want to wait for something that I really feel great about.

I've never lost my love for acting. I feel really at home on the movie set. I'm a more balanced person honestly when I'm working.

If you're working on something that isn't very demanding, isn't very fulfilling, then you have all this energy to burn, and you can go crazy.

I went to court-reporting school to study stenotyping. After awhile, whenever anybody spoke, in my mind my fingers would be punching it out. Even two years after I quit, my mind still did that.

Acting is kind of brutal.

I've worked with very few actors who have been at all difficult.

I am basically very private, and I'm really nervous about doing publicity.

I would speak up if I see someone being rude to someone.

Men do not take to vanity, because they are taught at an early age that it is wrong to be vain.

I'm always amazed at how consistent people find me and my behavior, when in fact I do feel different all the time.

I don't really know what Hollywood is. I've never really known.

I used to do drugs in high school. I've been living in L.A. for almost 10 years, and shortly after I arrived I cleaned up pretty much. Stuff goes on on the set, stuff goes on at parties.

If I do a move I don't like, I don't want to get so upset with myself.

I think that I am a compulsive person, but now I'm learning to put those compulsions into healthy things.

You know what I'd like to do? I'd like to play a bag lady.

There's always an imbalance with actors and actresses in the industry. And I think because there are just fewer movies overall being made, it's that trickle down effect.

There's always an imbalance with actors and actresses in the industry. And I think because there are just fewer movies overall being made, it's that trickle down effect.

It's harder to live the way I live. There are certain places I like to shop and eat where I simply don't go. The paparazzi follow you.

It's harder to live the way I live. There are certain places I like to shop and eat where I simply don't go. The paparazzi follow you.

If you think hitting 40 is liberating, wait until you hit 50; and I was surprised at how liberating it was. The anticipation of something is always much worse than the reality.

I'm a perfectionist, so I can drive myself mad - and other people, too. At the same time, I think that's one of the reasons I'm successful. Because I really care about what I do.

I'm a perfectionist, so I can drive myself mad - and other people, too. At the same time, I think that's one of the reasons I'm successful. Because I really care about what I do.

I'm a Taurus. To the bone.