Hard times make you bitter or make you more compassionate.

The relationships I have in Baltimore will never change.

The game takes a toll on your body.

To be playing in my first Super Bowl in New Orleans, it's special.

We are human and regular people at the end of the day. We're not immune from the trials and tribulations that go on through life.

I know a lot about football. I know a lot about this game.

The football fans loved the way I played the game.

It's a kid's game we play. Nothing more than that.

We had a great staff in college, so after I got to the league, I'd already seen stuff I knew. Then it was enhanced, playing the game with great guys like Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs, Haloti Ngata, Chris McAlister.

My philosophy was simple. I was trying to score when I got the football in my hand. There was no question about that.

There's no place like Baltimore.

That's what being a human is about, leaving this place better than we got it.

There will be good and bad, right and wrong. Your reaction of choice, good or bad, has consequences that affect you and those around you.

Everyone has their own greatness. Whether you reach your own greatness depends on your environment, your structure, the company you keep and your attitude.

You know mental illness is one of the biggest problems in our world.

There's a reason why, outside of me dropping a few, people don't throw my way, man.

I don't want to play till I'm 40.

Yeah, some people don't know anything about football.

I always will be a Raven. That's where I was kind of raised in the NFL. I did a lot of growing, and we did a lot of special things. That's something that can never be taken away, and it never will. There's a lot of love there.

My time in Baltimore was awesome, every bit of it.

I can't be lackadaisical when it's time for me to make any play, whether it's a tackle, fumble recovery, anything that it might be.

You've got to be smart about tackling.

I don't want to be like these guys having neck surgery, then you got to go have another surgery just to continue to play this game. I love this game but I love myself more.

You have to be coachable.