Football is a reaction sport.

It's tough for kids to stay focused if they don't have something to get them off the streets... that's where the kids can get into the bad things.

It helps you as a person when you're teaching something to somebody to understand it even better.

My older brother, he did everything. He played baseball, he played basketball. Just being able to watch him as a youngster, wanting to be like him, wanting to play on the team with him and watching those older guys in my neighborhood play sports.

Not every game is going to be perfect. Not every game is going to be an interception or two or a big-bang tackle, so to say.

I always play the game a certain way, regardless of what guys say.

When I make a tackle or make a play and I have a slight pain or something, you're going to react the way you react.

I never came out of a game unless I was truly hurt.

Those inner-cities, they're not giving kids a chance. They're not giving the teachers a chance to really help those kids. They're making it real tough. You're either gonna help or you're hurting your own country.

I love to have my football camps. I love being a part of that.

We have a bunch of American citizens who step up because that's what we do. We'll step up and go across the world to help people out. When it comes to our own backyard, it's always a different conversation.

I was a two-star athlete. I got looked over.

I always said I wanted to become a master of my game, like Bruce Lee. I mastered my art of football, because that's what it truly is when you understand it.

Baltimore, I love that city.

Stay in school because education provides you with an opportunity. Opportunity is all you can ask for.

We're all going to have our trials and tribulations, but you can work through them and everything will be all right.

God has blessed me with the ability to play football.

Encourage those around you. Encourage yourself.

Football is what we do. It's our job, it's a business.

I wasn't about one season, but career and longevity.

Coming out of college, I wasn't considered the fastest, the biggest or the smartest. There was no way around that.

Now that I know the dangers? Yes, I still would do it again. Why? 'Cause look at me. Look at my family. They're able to eat, they're able to have food and shelter over their head. Would I play football again? Yes.

The only way we protect ourselves, the only way a player gets what he wants is by holding out.

I take care of myself. I try my best.