We want to help Canadians be able to get a home that they can afford.

We want to help Canadians be able to get a home that they can afford.

While people might talk about the divisions in this country, what I've seen is that across this country, we share so much in common, we share so many values, we want to take care of one another - that's what it means to be Canadian.

While people might talk about the divisions in this country, what I've seen is that across this country, we share so much in common, we share so many values, we want to take care of one another - that's what it means to be Canadian.

We're going to fight a Conservative government, we're going to fight it all the way. We're ready to do whatever it takes.

We're going to fight a Conservative government, we're going to fight it all the way. We're ready to do whatever it takes.

I want people to dream big.

I want people to dream big.

I feel like this idea of strategic voting has not allowed people to dream big.

I feel like this idea of strategic voting has not allowed people to dream big.

We don't want to be intimidated by hate, we don't want hatred to ruin a positive event.

We don't want to be intimidated by hate, we don't want hatred to ruin a positive event.

Protests have a value in society that I don't think you can quantify.

Protests have a value in society that I don't think you can quantify.

I came from a tradition of demonstrations and protests, and I really believe in them. I think they are powerful ways of bring people together, to organize, to raise awareness, and most importantly to empower people.

I came from a tradition of demonstrations and protests, and I really believe in them. I think they are powerful ways of bring people together, to organize, to raise awareness, and most importantly to empower people.

Social media enables us to talk about issues, shine a light on problems, and raise awareness of struggles that might have gone unnoticed. On the flipside, it also allows for a lot of noise and distractions. Sometimes it doesn't create the best environment for a healthy discussion and can lead to trolling.

Social media enables us to talk about issues, shine a light on problems, and raise awareness of struggles that might have gone unnoticed. On the flipside, it also allows for a lot of noise and distractions. Sometimes it doesn't create the best environment for a healthy discussion and can lead to trolling.

The ability to become more accessible, to spread a message further, and to share stories at a faster rate are great things to come from social media. As politicians, we have another platform with which we can reach people but also listen to them.

For any kid who feels like a newcomer, who feels like they don't belong, my candidacy says, 'Not only do you belong, you can also aspire to run this country.'

For any kid who feels like a newcomer, who feels like they don't belong, my candidacy says, 'Not only do you belong, you can also aspire to run this country.'

We are the party that hears the stories of people, the struggles.

We are the party that hears the stories of people, the struggles.

To me poverty, mental health, and addictions don't sound like criminal justice problems. They sound to me like a social justice problem.