We need to start looking at some of the root causes of division. And one of the reasons why people are exploited to hate, to fear others is that people are afraid in their own lives.

We need to start looking at some of the root causes of division. And one of the reasons why people are exploited to hate, to fear others is that people are afraid in their own lives.

I can tell you as a leader of a party that I'm fundamentally opposed to violence, fundamentally opposed to any innocent lives being taken, fundamentally opposed to any violence being perpetrated against people.

I can tell you as a leader of a party that I'm fundamentally opposed to violence, fundamentally opposed to any innocent lives being taken, fundamentally opposed to any violence being perpetrated against people.

I denounce anyone, anyone held responsible for any act of violence perpetrated against any innocent lives. It is just unacceptable. It is, fundamentally, something that we all denounce.

I denounce anyone, anyone held responsible for any act of violence perpetrated against any innocent lives. It is just unacceptable. It is, fundamentally, something that we all denounce.

All Canadians stand together united against any forms of violence, terror against Canadians, and, in fact, against anyone around the world.

All Canadians stand together united against any forms of violence, terror against Canadians, and, in fact, against anyone around the world.

Air India happened when I was about five years old but... I've attended memorials with respect to the victims and the families, the survivors of this horrible and heinous act. I've talked about how everyone denounces it.

Air India happened when I was about five years old but... I've attended memorials with respect to the victims and the families, the survivors of this horrible and heinous act. I've talked about how everyone denounces it.

We've shown people that you don't have to be taken for granted. You don't have to settle for less!

We've shown people that you don't have to be taken for granted. You don't have to settle for less!

Every single day of my life is about challenging people who think you can't do something because of the way you look.

Every single day of my life is about challenging people who think you can't do something because of the way you look.

I don't work for the rich and powerful. I work for people!

I don't work for the rich and powerful. I work for people!

If someone doesn't like Saudi Arabia's human rights record, that doesn't mean that you are in any way attacking Muslims. You're attacking a government's policies and track record.

If someone doesn't like Saudi Arabia's human rights record, that doesn't mean that you are in any way attacking Muslims. You're attacking a government's policies and track record.

My style has allowed me to tear down barriers in day-to-day life with people who would otherwise have a negative stereotype of someone who wears a turban, but also to speak to people on Bay Street, professionals who don't really think of New Democrats as an option.

My style has allowed me to tear down barriers in day-to-day life with people who would otherwise have a negative stereotype of someone who wears a turban, but also to speak to people on Bay Street, professionals who don't really think of New Democrats as an option.

No climate plan can leave workers and communities behind nor trample the rights of Indigenous communities. Canadians must have opportunity and income security during economic transformation.

No climate plan can leave workers and communities behind nor trample the rights of Indigenous communities. Canadians must have opportunity and income security during economic transformation.

It's no secret that there are people who would like to narrow our discussions on climate change to a debate about pipelines alone in an attempt to divide Canadians - to pit workers against environmentalists.

It's no secret that there are people who would like to narrow our discussions on climate change to a debate about pipelines alone in an attempt to divide Canadians - to pit workers against environmentalists.