We need to recognize that it is growing economic inequality that creates the conditions for hate to fester.

We need to recognize that it is growing economic inequality that creates the conditions for hate to fester.

If the concern is security, there needs to be evidence-backed policies to increase security and safety, while maintaining our liberties and freedoms. Policies that clamp down on freedoms and don't increase security empirically need to be outright rejected.

If the concern is security, there needs to be evidence-backed policies to increase security and safety, while maintaining our liberties and freedoms. Policies that clamp down on freedoms and don't increase security empirically need to be outright rejected.

It's hard to love yourself when you've been told your whole life that there is something wrong with you - when you are called dirty because of your skin color.

It's hard to love yourself when you've been told your whole life that there is something wrong with you - when you are called dirty because of your skin color.

If you need medication in our country, we want to make sure you use your health card, not your credit card. That means a national publicly delivered single payer pharmacare for all.

If you need medication in our country, we want to make sure you use your health card, not your credit card. That means a national publicly delivered single payer pharmacare for all.

In difficult economic times, I'm firmly opposed to austerity.

In difficult economic times, I'm firmly opposed to austerity.

Indigenous communities have suffered horribly as a result of residential schools.

Indigenous communities have suffered horribly as a result of residential schools.

Our public spaces should be places that are inclusive, that bring people together.

Our public spaces should be places that are inclusive, that bring people together.

I don't have a firm line on balanced budgets.

I don't have a firm line on balanced budgets.

The higher the stakes, the more responsible we have to be. It was with this in mind that I began to build my Green Economy and Climate Agenda.

The higher the stakes, the more responsible we have to be. It was with this in mind that I began to build my Green Economy and Climate Agenda.

My dad struggled younger in his life and eventually had become very well settled and bought a nice car for himself. And every now and then I'd take it for a spin and, almost without fail, if I took his car I'd get pulled over.

My dad struggled younger in his life and eventually had become very well settled and bought a nice car for himself. And every now and then I'd take it for a spin and, almost without fail, if I took his car I'd get pulled over.

Tax avoidance and evasion by the rich undermine democracy by starving social programs and public services. They also send a message to ordinary citizens that the rules of the economic game are rigged against them.

Tax avoidance and evasion by the rich undermine democracy by starving social programs and public services. They also send a message to ordinary citizens that the rules of the economic game are rigged against them.

Fighting for human rights, a commitment to social justice and treating people with dignity are all things that are important to us as Canadians.

Fighting for human rights, a commitment to social justice and treating people with dignity are all things that are important to us as Canadians.