There is no excuse for inaction in the face of economic injustice.

There is no excuse for inaction in the face of economic injustice.

I have long been an advocate for peace and human rights in Canada and around the globe.

I have long been an advocate for peace and human rights in Canada and around the globe.

We must again be the party that inspires Canadians, that makes their hearts beat faster.

We must again be the party that inspires Canadians, that makes their hearts beat faster.

We have to fight climate change like we actually want to win.

We have to fight climate change like we actually want to win.

Communities and workers should be partners at the table, not waiting on the sidelines while government and the fossil fuel industry dictate climate policy.

Communities and workers should be partners at the table, not waiting on the sidelines while government and the fossil fuel industry dictate climate policy.

Inequality is on the rise in Canada and those at the top have no idea what life is like for most Canadian families.

Inequality is on the rise in Canada and those at the top have no idea what life is like for most Canadian families.

Oh, I think Canadians look like all sorts of people. That's the beauty of Canada.

Oh, I think Canadians look like all sorts of people. That's the beauty of Canada.

As Canadians who proudly demand the equal treatment of minorities, religious freedom, gender equality and basic human rights for its citizens - allowing our political leaders to shamefully ignore these values in the name of business abroad, falls short of the high standard we rightfully set for ourselves.

As Canadians who proudly demand the equal treatment of minorities, religious freedom, gender equality and basic human rights for its citizens - allowing our political leaders to shamefully ignore these values in the name of business abroad, falls short of the high standard we rightfully set for ourselves.

On my first day at Yale Law School, there were posters in the hallways announcing an event with Tony Blair, the former British prime minister. I couldn't believe it: Tony Blair was speaking to a room of a few dozen students? If he came to Ohio State, he would have filled an auditorium of a thousand people.

Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.

The debate over same sex 'marriage' has engaged the heartfelt feelings and convictions of millions of Americans.

Pessimism is rife in Israel.

In the spring of 2007, Israeli intelligence brought to Washington proof that the Assad regime in Syria was building a nuclear reactor along the Euphrates - with North Korean help. This reactor was a copy of the Yongbyon reactor the North Koreans had built, and was part of a Syrian nuclear weapons program.

Grasping the realities of the Middle East is never easy. This is not primarily because they change quickly, but because so much time, effort, and money is spent to prevent reality from breaking through.

There are no Muslim ghettos in the U.S.

Harry Truman, who was a Bible-believing Christian Zionist, defied the secretary of state he so admired, George C. Marshall, and won a place in Israel's history by recognizing the new state 11 minutes after it declared its independence in 1948.