If we have an agreement with a country like Mexico, that doesn't support or protect the rights of workers, that doesn't have the same environmental regulations, how can Canadians ever compete with that jurisdiction?

If we have an agreement with a country like Mexico, that doesn't support or protect the rights of workers, that doesn't have the same environmental regulations, how can Canadians ever compete with that jurisdiction?

I was a little bit of a precocious kid, in the sense I loved reading, and I loved health and - my dad being a doctor - I really wanted to learn more about how the body worked.

I was a little bit of a precocious kid, in the sense I loved reading, and I loved health and - my dad being a doctor - I really wanted to learn more about how the body worked.

People shouldn't be forced to chose between paying for rent or paying for medication. They deserve a government ready to take on Big Pharma by implementing health coverage, starting by extending pharmacare coverage to every Canadian.

People shouldn't be forced to chose between paying for rent or paying for medication. They deserve a government ready to take on Big Pharma by implementing health coverage, starting by extending pharmacare coverage to every Canadian.

There's no excuse in 2019, with the wealth we have as a nation, with the technology we have as a country, that we cannot clean this water, ensure that all communities have clean drinking water.

There's no excuse in 2019, with the wealth we have as a nation, with the technology we have as a country, that we cannot clean this water, ensure that all communities have clean drinking water.

I hope I represent a type of politics where we bring people together, where we inspire people - and we do it with this motivation of building a world that's better for everybody.

I hope I represent a type of politics where we bring people together, where we inspire people - and we do it with this motivation of building a world that's better for everybody.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says nice words but he's really all about looking out for his rich and powerful friends, just like the Conservatives.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says nice words but he's really all about looking out for his rich and powerful friends, just like the Conservatives.

It's heartbreaking to think that the joy of building a family is being dimmed by the economic squeeze young people are feeling.

It's heartbreaking to think that the joy of building a family is being dimmed by the economic squeeze young people are feeling.

A beard and a turban sometimes conjure up negative associations, but if you see someone with a lime-colored, bright orange or pink turban, it disarms people's stereotyped notion of this image.

A beard and a turban sometimes conjure up negative associations, but if you see someone with a lime-colored, bright orange or pink turban, it disarms people's stereotyped notion of this image.

I have been asked about terrorism many times, and each time I speak as clearly as I can.

I have been asked about terrorism many times, and each time I speak as clearly as I can.

It's one thing to say you're feminist, but then what does that mean? Not selling arms to a regime that is the most repressive and probably one of the worst human rights violators, particularly towards women, like Saudi Arabia?

It's one thing to say you're feminist, but then what does that mean? Not selling arms to a regime that is the most repressive and probably one of the worst human rights violators, particularly towards women, like Saudi Arabia?

I believe that if we are able to, obviously we need to ensure that we have a robust budget that's balanced, but there's no way I would ever accept austerity.

I believe that if we are able to, obviously we need to ensure that we have a robust budget that's balanced, but there's no way I would ever accept austerity.

Beyond advocating for greater access to consumer markets abroad, we need to go one step further and advocate for a higher quality of life for the people who are the driving force behind them.

Beyond advocating for greater access to consumer markets abroad, we need to go one step further and advocate for a higher quality of life for the people who are the driving force behind them.