My law school class in the late 1950s numbered over 500. That class included less than 10 women.

Justice Scalia and I served together on the D.C. Circuit. So his votes are not surprising to me. What I like about him is that he's very funny and very smart.

When I graduated from law school in 1959, there wasn't a single woman on any federal bench. It wouldn't be a realistic ambition for a woman to want to become a federal judge. It wasn't realistic until Jimmy Carter became our president.

An operatic voice is like no other.

No one wants to fail. So most of us don't even try. Sad. We don't even take that first step to improve our health or to deepen our working relationships or to realize a dream.

I believe we can accelerate our acumen, performance and success by leveraging our associations and spending time with people better than us.

You can stay angry at someone who hurt you. Or you can get busy doing your visions and changing our world. But you don't get to do both.

Success is seductive. It can make one complacent and inefficient and stale.

Just imagine how fast, innovative and excellent your business will be once every single teammate - from the janitor to the executive - begins to see themselves as the CEO of their own area of responsibility.

We are built to love. Have the bravery to open the heart you have contracted from life's disappointments. This is how the heroes roll.

I wish for a world where people understand that life is short. So today's the time to do big things.

We are influenced by the ideas we hear and the people we meet.

The more people you help and the more value you create, the more your business will fly - and the quicker you'll win.

There is a cure for anti-aging that actually works - it's called lifelong learning.

People want to be a part of an organization that lets them be fully alive and bring their gifts to work. People really do want to be engaged and feel proud of their contribution.

Leaders understand that the real fight is the fight against time. There's so much to achieve in such less time.

The most important things in life have nothing to do with things.

The fears you do not face become your walls. Most people in business, and in their personal lives, design everything so they can avoid doing what makes them feel uncomfortable. Yet any good business person knows we are not only paid to work, but also we are paid to be scared.

I'd done all the things I thought a person had to do in order to be successful and fulfilled, like getting a great education and becoming a lawyer, and yet there was zero spark in my life. But there was no light-bulb moment. It was gradual. In the early 1990s, I decided to experiment and try some new ways of living.

Unsuccessful people are the ones who are impressed by celebrity, by people's names and titles.

Showing leadership doesn't mean every employee will run the organization; that would lead to chaos. Businesses do need someone to set the vision and then lead the team to it.

True, foolish risks can lead to difficult consequences. But having said that, don't be so scared of failure and disappointment that you fail to dream.

Three hours of focused time on the projects that will really add value and uplift your career are so much better than 10 hours where you are constantly being interrupted and taken off your focus.

I believe it's strikingly important to remember that when you know better, you can do better. With higher levels of awareness, you can make smarter choices. And the more clarity you get as to who you want to become, the quicker you can start making the choices need to get you there.