One of the fastest ways to find the solution to an issue or challenge you are facing is to ask the right questions.

I was a litigation lawyer, following the crowd off the proverbial cliff, when I pressed the pause button.

Forgiveness isn't just a blessing you deliver to another human being. Forgiveness is also a gift you give yourself.

The best in business have boundless curiosity and open minds.

One of the core organizing principles of my life is that success comes through a delicate balance between making things happen and letting things happen.

It's so easy to get caught up in the thick of thin things. So seductive to spend your finest hours climbing mountains that, at the end, turn out to be the wrong ones.

Writing in a journal reminds you of your goals and of your learning in life. It offers a place where you can hold a deliberate, thoughtful conversation with yourself.

Go for great. Own your game. Be kind. Get big things done.

Talk is cheap. Actions speak.

Be spectacularly great at what you do. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand. And work hard. Really hard.

The little things amount to big things.

We have a normal. As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.

Listening is a master skill for personal and professional greatness.

Most of us are cut from the same cloth. We all can be a hero if we choose. And it just isn't that hard.

Success is not a function of the size of your title but the richness of your contribution.

My encouragement: delete the energy vampires from your life, clean out all complexity, build a team around you that frees you to fly, remove anything toxic, and cherish simplicity. Because that's where genius lives.

Leave your ego at the door every morning, and just do some truly great work. Few things will make you feel better than a job brilliantly done.

I'm a simple man. Grew up in a small town. Came from humble beginnings. No silver spoon.

People fear leaving their safe harbor of the known and venturing off into the unknown. Human beings crave certainty - even when it limits them.

As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.

Difficult times disrupt your conventional ways of thinking and push you to forge better habits of thought, performance and being.

Remember, we see the world not as it is but as we are. Most of us see through the eyes of our fears and our limiting beliefs and our false assumptions.

Hard work opens doors and shows the world that you are serious about being one of those rare - and special - human beings who use the fullness of their talents to do their very best.

The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, your talents, your dreams, is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal. Take long walks in the woods.