There is an opportunity to consolidate the North American region as a more competitive region, a more productive region that will be more competitive than other blocs that have integrated in the rest of the world.

There are many commitments I have made for reducing poverty. One is to reform social security. Social security reaches only 44 percent of Mexicans. One of my goals is to give social security to all the people.

I believe the state needs to control hydrocarbons.

I will be the government of increasing economic growth and creating jobs. Take it from me that that's the main issue.

Mexico urgently needs a series of structural reforms that will detonate its true economic potential for once and generate more public welfare.

Do you agree that when there's tension and an obsession to want to hit the ball is when you hit it worst? You have to be loose.

I have read a number of books, starting with novels, that I particularly liked.

Mexico has experimented with political change since the late 1980s.

Behind every crime is a story of sadness.

There is no doubt a president has to govern for everyone.

Mexico cannot put up with this scenario of death and kidnapping.

I see myself as a family man.

I plan to open Mexico's energy sector to national and foreign private investment.

Ah, 'The Departed' is really good.

Education reform has as its main purpose to make sure that the education delivered is of quality.

Mexico has acquired unique experience during its integration into global value chains, especially in the automotive industry.

I think it is fundamental to understand that the ethics of politics indicate that you should concentrate your efforts on those marginalized people who live in poverty with few opportunities to develop individually.

Politics is an instrument that can transform society.

I love to go to Acapulco with my family.

By increasing productivity and becoming more competitive, we will be able to offer better opportunities and improve the standard of living for all Mexicans.

Important reserves of natural resources, like petroleum and precious metals, are the bulwarks for laying the foundations for the future.

Pemex will remain 100 percent Mexican.

My commitment is to continue making a Mexico where families live in an environment of peace and better security.

I think money laundering is giving oxygen to organized crime.