“It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.” 

“I have formed a very clear conception of patriotism. I have generally found it thrust into the foreground by some fellow who has something to hide in the background. I have seen a great deal of patriotism; and I have generally found it the last refuge of the scoundrel.”

“It is the mark of our whole modern history that the masses are kept quiet with a fight. They are kept quiet by the fight because it is a sham-fight; thus most of us know by this time that the Party System has been popular only in the sense that a football match is popular.” 

“Men are ruled, at this minute by the clock, by liars who refuse them news, and by fools who cannot govern.”

“When you break the big laws, you do not get freedom; you do not even get anarchy. You get the small laws.”

“The unconscious democracy of America is a very fine thing. It is a true and deep and instinctive assumption of the equality of citizens, which even voting and elections have not destroyed.” 

“The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they were not created equal, they were certainly evolved unequal. There is no basis for democracy except in a dogma about the divine origin of man.”

“America is the only country ever founded on a creed.” – “What is America?”

“Progress is a comparative of which we have not settled the superlative.” 

“Self-denial is the test and definition of self-government.” 

“By experts in poverty I do not mean sociologists, but poor men.” –

Voting is the foundation stone for political action.

 I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions.

The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.

Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.

A constitution is the arrangement of magistrates in a state.

I have such respect for 'Democracy Now!'

You have to have a certain realism that government is a pretty blunt instrument, and without the constant attention of highly qualified people with the right metrics, it will fall into not doing things very well

One of the statistics that always amazes me is the approval of the Chinese government, not elected, is over 80 percent. The approval of the U.S. government, fully elected, is 19 percent. Well, we elected these people and they didn't elect those people. Isn't it supposed to be different? Aren't we supposed to like the people that we elected?

There are websites that any government wants to block. The truth about the Internet is that it's extremely hard to block anything - extremely hard. You'll never get perfect blocking.

Well private money can take risks in a way that government money often isn't willing to.

Antitrust is the way that the government promotes markets when there are market failures. It has nothing to do with the idea of free information

Corruption is one of the most common reasons I hear in views that criticize aid.

Netscape was able to get the government working on its behalf.