I was in New York for many years.

After spending time around Donald Trump I find myself inspired by his vision, thought process, keen insight, and overall discipline. He's a brilliant thinker who tends to walk several steps ahead of the masses. I want to share his wisdom with the world in my own way.

In my ministry, I've been fortunate to privately advise many national leaders, celebrities and people of unusual influence.

Mr. Trump is totally and entirely pro-life.

I have authentic wisdom to share with others.

We are not supposed to die until we are empty.

If I believe authority is raised by God - I understand I don't understand all things. And what those purposes are. He's a sovereign God.

In life, even in our own personal life, we find our self at times fighting against the hand of God. And I believe that. In other words, we can be a rebellious and stubborn people, individually, nationally, or corporately.

God has never failed. I can sit here and say this. There is not anything in my life that I've prayed according to the word of God and I've not seen God answer.

Anyone that's ever listened to my message knows very well, that I believe in very solid biblical beliefs.

Because God says that he raises up and places all people in places of authority, it is God who raises up a king. It is God that sets one down.

God lays claim to all firsts. So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God.

First Fruits is more than just an offering... it's a principle.

I will stay faithful to what God has called me to do all the days of my life, and I don't try to figure it out.

God used Donald Trump in my life as much as I was used in his life.

I encounter thousands of people, millions of people, over the course of ministry, but there's been a handful of people that I knew was like, this was direct assignment.

I have led many high-profile people to the Lord.

I don't give up on people. I don't have a dimmer switch. It's who I am. Until I am kicked out, I will be with you. I don't abandon people. I just don't.

I'm continuing to do what I have always done, which is minister to people with the ultimate goal of fulfilling God's plans for my life and ministry.

As always, I am receptive to whatever doors God may open.

I know that President-elect Trump has a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We've had in-depth conversations about God.

I think so many people have taken biblical scriptures out of context on this, to say stuff like, 'Well, Jesus was a refugee.' And yes, he did live in Egypt for three and a half years. But it was not illegal. If he had broke the law, then he would have been sinful and he would not have been our Messiah.

January is the beginning of a new year for us in the Western world. Let us give to God what belongs to him: the first hours of our day, the first month of the year, the first of our increase, the first in every area of our life. It's devoted... The principle of first fruits is that when you give God the first, he governs the rest and redeems in.

There's so many things that God has given me.