Promotion is absolutely essential in the movie business.

Powerful messages that defend life and celebrate true heroines can't be contained, not even by the best efforts of some of the most powerful liberals on the planet.

For anyone who right now is hurting, for anyone who feels beneath a baseline, feels so isolated and lonely, know that you are not alone. First and foremost, you have a God that is going to sit closer than a brother.

The Democrats and the mainstream media shouldn't be so quick to mock White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for suggesting that President Trump was chosen by God to lead this country.

The President's extraordinary commitment to religious liberty has been obvious since the very beginning of his presidency - just two weeks after his inauguration, Donald Trump attended the National Prayer Breakfast where he stressed the importance of preserving and cherishing religious values.

I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell and every strategy from the enemy, and he will fulfill his calling and his destiny. I secure his calling, I secure his purpose, I secure his family, and we secure victory in the name which is above every name - the name of Jesus Christ.

I believe and have always believed in the virgin birth, and the second coming.

When you fight against the plan of God, you are fighting against the hand of God.

First Fruits has impacted my life personally and the lives of countless others!

I never called myself into ministry. God called me when I was 18 years old to preach the Gospel so I've preached the Gospel.

There have been times that I have taken prayer cloths that have been anointed as a point of contact. I put them in my loved ones sneakers, I put them under their bed. I put them on parts of my body that I believe God for healing.

I want you to hear from God. God already spoke to me what I'm going to write out. You're going to write your checks to Paula White Ministries. If God tells you to give $12.99, do it. Whatever the Holy Spirit speaks to you. If you need to give by credit card, do so.

No one sets their life out and says, 'Boy, this is what I think I'm going to go through.'

As the producers of 'Unplanned' learned, there is no article of faith so central to Hollywood as abortion.

I do not believe in the 'prosperity Gospel' as I've been accused of believing it. I do believe that all good things come from God, and I also believe that God teaches us so much through our suffering.

We are the hope to this world because this nation was dedicated with little white crosses that were marked along the beaches down by Virginia Beach and Plymouth that were marked and said we dedicate this land to take the Gospel to the nations and once the Gospel is taken to the nations we usher in the return of the Lord.

I pray for John McArthur. I pray for, that God would tender his heart. I pray that he would have eyes of understanding.

It has been falsely reported that I once filed for bankruptcy and - my personal favorite - that I deny the Trinity.

I've had six different doctors say that I had to take the stress, the pressure out of my life.

Everyone needs a safe place in life, and pastors can be people's safe place.

There is creative power in your mouth right now. God spoke and created the universe; you have creative power to speak life and death! If you believe God, you can create anything in your life.

It is through our prayers, through our acts of faith that God works in partnership with us.

In the New Testament, Jesus talks more about stewardship and finances and management of your life than anything else outside the love of God.

I have been called a heretic, an apostate, an adulterer, a charlatan and an addict.