If a man's free will to adopt ideas and values is inalienable, his freedom of action - his freedom to put these ideas into effect in the world - is not in such a fortunate condition.

Gold and silver are always in demand, regardless of clime, century, or government in power. But public confidence in and, hence, demand for paper money depends on the ultimate confidence - or lack thereof - of the public in the viability of the issuing government.

The Keynesian prescription for unemployment rests on the persistence of a 'money illusion' among workers, i.e., on the belief that while, through unions and government, they will keep money wage rates from falling, they will also accept a fall in real wage rates via higher prices.

Now judicial review, beloved by conservatives, can, of course, fulfill the excellent function of declaring government interventions and tyrannies unconstitutional. But it can also validate and legitimize the government in the eyes of the people by declaring these actions valid and constitutional.

If taxes and government spending are both slashed, then the salutary result will be to lower the parasitic burden of government taxes and spending upon the productive activities of the private sector.

Every man must have freedom, must have the scope to form, test, and act upon his own choices, for any sort of development of his own personality to take place. He must, in short, be free in order that he may be fully human.

There is one good thing about Marx: he was not a Keynesian.

A world government can intervene militarily in the internal affairs of any nation when it disapproves of their activities.

The fight against HIV/AIDS requires leadership from all parts of government - and it needs to go right to the top. AIDS is far more than a health crisis. It is a threat to development itself.

The U.N. power comes from concerted action of the governments.

I don't think that the United States government rushes to judgment until all the facts are in.

Civilians are still being attacked and fleeing their villages even as we speak, many months after the government committed itself to bring the militias under control, ... It is urgent to take action now.

It's been difficult, ... He's had to make compromises to move the process ahead. It was never going to be easy ... but now that the new government is installed, we all need to look forward.

The swings of international assistance from government to nongovernmental organizations and back, according to the legitimacy of the government of the day, have disrupted long-term development in the past,

Both rebels and government must understand that, if these incidents continue, it will impede humanitarian assistance and delivery.

The promptness with which the government of Turkey has mobilized initial humanitarian aid has helped to mitigate the initial level of suffering,

I think (the US government is) positive to our assistance from the UN and the international community ... We are prepared to do whatever we can,

We submit to you our request for your involvement and your good office in the present circumstances to call upon the US authority and the present government of Iraq to review the legal status of the present court and to reallocate the present court outside Iraq, i.e. The Hague, Netherlands,

If the Indonesian government ... brings those responsible to trial, there will be no need ... for the Security Council to establish a second international tribunal,

Given the pressure from the people, from the grass roots, I really do not think any government can sit out this movement for long, ... It's only a matter of time.

Obviously we need all our tools, helicopters, trucks, communication to be able to operate, ... We are placed in a situation where the government has not been cooperating and has limited the movements of our troops.

We cannot wait for governments to do it all. Globalization operates on Internet time. Governments tend to be slow moving by nature, because they have to build political support for every step.

I hope it's not too late to get the Yugoslav government to change its position,

As we move forward, we hope we will be able to work with the Iraqis and the coalition to find a mechanism for establishing a caretaker or an interim government until such time elections are organized,