I think the United States government is working very hard with the parties to move the process forward, and I urge and encourage the parties to really work with the United States government to make the compromises necessary and move the process forward,

We have a clear mandate from the Security Council to do whatever we can to work with the government and the people of Iraq to make sure Iraq takes charge of its own future and develops a stable peaceful society,

The government of Syria has informed me that the smuggling of arms and people across the Syrian-Lebanese border does indeed take place, albeit in both directions,

We are going to work with the Congolese people and the government to make sure we make progress and consolidate peace and stability.

The people and government of Pakistan are faced with an extraordinary challenge and we need to make an extraordinary effort to support them, ... What is needed is an immediate and exceptional escalation of the global relief effort to support the work of the government of Pakistan.

Men and women are different: we have different tendencies, skills, and behaviors. This should be accepted and fostered, not demonized. Because the end result is simply more effeminate men and more masculine women. Who wants that?

Let's be clear: no one is forced into hazing. If you don't want to be hazed, don't join a fraternity.

Believe me, I've known a lot of journalists, and their opinions on most subjects are wrong. If the entire mainstream media is aligned against Trump, it is just about the best endorsement he could hope for!

It is easy for Americans to forget a simple fact that is very clear to the people around the world that yearn to live in this country: America is the best country in the entire damn world! It deserves to be made great again, because America is, in the words of President Ronald Reagan, 'the last best hope of mankind.'

How can feminism be pro-women without being pro-motherhood? There is nothing more unique about being a woman.

Cal Poly is my kind of school. So many universities I visit boast about boring alumni like pioneering surgeons and Olympic athletes. But Cal Poly has none other than Weird Al Yankovic!

Something inside of me tells me that being homosexual is probably wrong.

I do say things in a way that is going to elicit a response from people.

Perhaps what's needed now is a bolder form of censure after all, because the Internet is not a universal human right. If people cannot be trusted to treat one another with respect, dignity and consideration, perhaps they deserve to have their online freedoms curtailed.

What I want is a sort of new political realignment on libertarian/authoritarian lines, and I want a new consensus to emerge of disaffected liberals, classical liberals, dissident minorities like gays, small-state conservatives, libertarians, people who basically want to be left alone.

Most journalists are idiots.

It's a shame that gays who ought to be pushing boundaries have been domesticated and tamed and turned into pets by the Progressive Left.

I enjoy upsetting the right people. I love poking fun at earnest censors. I want to push the bounds of what can be said on the Internet.

The thing I most hate about the Left is that they want to stop us laughing - to prescribe which jokes are OK and which are not OK to make in public and to draw artificial lines around certain subjects. I find all sorts of inappropriate things funny.

Just telling the facts are no longer enough. You now have to be persuasive, charismatic, interesting, and funny. Just telling people things isn't enough anymore.

Trump might become deeply unpopular in the way that I, with some people, am deeply unpopular, but that doesn't mean that we don't get things done. You can be unpopular and successful.

People assume because I have a very thick skin that I don't have feelings. I don't, for the most part. But occasionally, I'm capable of great acts of charity. I tend to do it quietly.

I'm not in the business of being 'friendly.' First and foremost, I'm a journalist. My business is the truth. Now, I happen to be other things, too - a pop-culture phenomenon, the most in-demand speaker on the campus lecture circuit, whatever. But I believe in facts.

The only person really at risk at any of my talks is me.