Jesse Jackson is a master of the old expression that it doesn't matter what someone says about you as long as they spell your name right.

There is simply no defending the preferred mode of travel for many of the celebrity crazies who lecture us about carbon credits. Do you think these folks are willing to give up their mansions and private jets in order to 'save the planet?'

The Kennedy family might be a lot of things, but for RFK, Jr., 'warm and fuzzy' doesn't exactly come to mind.

I'm the kind of guy who likes to have a little friendly banter, even with someone I disagree with.

It's awfully hard to get into the head of a liberal. Instead of logic and reason, they are drawn to emotions and feelings.

The sheer genius of talk radio and is that the environment is so interactive.

I'm not brave. Far from it.

I guess many of us are just prone to see what the other side is up to, maybe to reinforce our own worldviews and feel confident that our ideology is right and theirs is wrong.

Maybe I'm just as bad as my critics who hound me.

I want to attract as many people as I can to listen to my show, and I don't expect everyone to always agree with me.

If any person - white, black, brown or yellow - objects to having a police officer potentially ask them for their ID, it makes me wonder what that person is trying to hide.

I often debate liberals on Fox News Channel who tend to start yelling and attacking when they run out of facts or common sense. I suppose these folks figure if they bow up and get in our faces, we'll just back down and see the world their way.

The arrogance of the Left always fascinates me.

Liberals don't think parents can be left to their own devices when it comes to raising our children.

We know how to take care of one another without whining and accusing and belly-aching.

I continually ask myself if a decision I'm about to make falls short in the eyes of God or my family or my colleagues. It's actually a pretty simple litmus test: am I doing the right thing or not? The answer is generally an easy one.

I've made mistakes, usually when I felt backed against a wall or faced enormous pressure. I'm human and flawed.

If you asked a team of expert psychologists and sociological researchers to come up with a design that was sure to infuriate and offend liberals in America, they'd probably come up with what we call the Great Seal.

The more insanity that comes from Washington, D.C., the stronger the loyal opposition becomes.

The silliest, most frustrating national dialogue has been this chattering about waterboarding and slapping around bad guys in order to extract information from them.

Every new revelation about the Obama Administration comes with the familiar musical notes of the Rod Serling TV classic ringing in my head: 'Do-dee-do-do, do-dee-do-do.'

In many cases, the joy and honor of having a home has lifted people into a spirit of determination to try and achieve a better life for themselves and their families.

Fueled by the kindness and generosity of strangers, 'Food for the Poor' builds houses for people.

For many impoverished people, living under a tarp or in a cardboard box is a way of life.