Many activists and antagonists who are on the wrong side of an issue employ the tactic of, 'the best defense is a good offense.'

Air America has tanked because it features a bunch of talentless, angry demagogues who wouldn't know how to entertain a radio audience if their lives depended on it.

It's awkward to tell others that your spouse has died. Everyone becomes so sad and sorry, and you just hate like heck to have to break the news to someone who hasn't heard the news.

People are savvy enough to know that simply a threat of litigation is tantamount to a nice, hefty check.

Ask any cop, and they'll assure you that it doesn't exactly take a forensics team from NCIS to figure out that someone is an illegal.

Let me get this straight: I can't defend the military because I didn't serve. So does that mean I can't support police officers or firefighters because I've never been one? How about teachers? Can I support them since I've never taught a class before?

The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin affair is one of the most important and clarifying moments in American history.

The belief that government must be the ultimate nanny to our children is one of the fundamental philosophical disagreements between the Right and Left.

If a police officer is looking for a criminal, he or she might stop a number of people in that particular area and ask to see their driver's license. No one bellyaches about civil rights or privacy issues. We're just happy the cops are trying to find the bad guy.

A lot of theatre people are definitely not conservative, but I don't think liberals get to own the culture.

'E pluribus unum' is perhaps the most obnoxious motto the Founders could have come up with, as far as liberals are concerned. They don't mind the e pluribus part - they love to note the things that divide and separate us. But they positively despise the unum part.

After one election comes many more.

For people who never tire of telling the world what a moral high ground they've taken in opposing Donald Trump, they sure don't seem to mind offering up a bellyful of gloats and taunts.

Success: When you make more money than the rest of us, it hurts our feelings.

Football: War with cleats and pads.

School systems now routinely have more administrators than classroom teachers. They have armies of counselors and therapists and nutritionists and 'multi-cultural learning facilitators.'

If a natural disaster like a flock of birds or a bolt of lightning causes a plane's engines to fail, you know what should be expected? That the pilot will keep his or her wits about them and do their best to save each and every soul on board. That's precisely what Captain 'Sully' Sullenberger and the rest of his crew did.

A Democrat who had been JFK's Secretary of the Navy, Connally believed that as many as 20 million Democrats would cross over to vote for Nixon because George McGovern wasn't qualified to lead the nation, particularly because of his proposals for military cutbacks.

Few news stories can demonstrate the stark difference between conservatism and liberalism like the George Zimmerman trial has done.

Right and wrong are not relative terms. There are fundamental truths. Evil flourishes, but good men continue to battle it - and win.

I've loved traveling around the country and meeting people at book signings.

Respect? The people supporting illegals don't know the meaning of the word.

The global warming hysterics don't just offer opinions and beliefs about greenhouse gases and the like. These are people who speak as if they belong to a cult.

Obama and his staff's sheer disrespect for the presidency is probably causing the Gipper to spin in his grave.