So here we are today with a new conversation. When University of Georgia plays Georgia Tech, it's uniform color versus skin color. We have - we've overcome that level of racial fear.

There is no power in cynicism. There is no forward thrust in cynicism.

We must all learn a good lesson - how to live together. That is the new challenge of the new world... learning to co-exist and not co-annihilate.

Ronald Reagan was older than I was when he ran for president.

George Bush has met more foreign heads of state than I have. But a substantial number of them were dead.

Conservatives and liberals can find common ground.

So many bright stars, bright in life, burn out quickly.

When journalists and politicians speak of a dwindling middle class that's under economic assault and a poor community that's getting bigger, they're talking about Ferguson. Independent of the racial demographics and dynamics of Ferguson, Missouri, there's a 'Ferguson' near you.

Many kids come out of college, they have a credit card and a diploma. They don't know how to buy a house or a car or health insurance or life insurance. They do not know basic microeconomics.

At the end of the day, we're defined by our predicament, not by the sides of town.

I am a journalist.

There's a full-court press to put down an uprising around Ferguson, but no preparation for lifting up the people there.

You may choose your mate, but you cannot deny someone else the right to choose their mate.

There's great disparity between who goes to college and who goes to jail. Who lives long and who dies prematurely, is the defining issue of our time. And I submit to you, there's a significant race dimension, it is basically class-driven.

Urban America has been redlined. Government has not offered tax incentives for investment, as it has in a dozen foreign markets. Banks have redlined it. Industries have moved out, they've redlined it. Clearly, to break up the redlining process, there must be incentives to green-line with hedges against risk.

Those who have the most wealth and the most property, their children have the first, the best, and the most.

Most blacks will argue that they excel because of hard work, because of intellect, determination, sweat, blood, tears and risk.

Black and Jewish leaders have been a coalition of conscience.

We must all learn a good lesson - how to live together.

I had to steal to survive.

For me, Barack Obama's election was a milestone of the most extraordinary kind. On the day he was elected I felt such hope in my heart. I thought we were seeing the beginning of a new era of equal opportunity across race and gender such as America had never known before.

Any attempt to dilute my support for Sen. Obama will not succeed.

Great things happen in small places. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesse Jackson was born in Greenville.

I take my role seriously as a pastor.