We must not measure greatness from the mansion down, but from the manger up.

The coffers are full of money and equipment for the Ferguson Police and the Missouri National Guard to put down a potential uprising, but no money for actually uplifting the people of Ferguson, St. Louis, Missouri and around the nation.

If you don't feel apologetic for slavery, if you don't feel apologetic for colonialism, if you feel proud of it then say that.

In tough economic times, desperate people do desperate things, and the abortion rate goes up.

A man must be willing to die for justice. Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds live forever.

A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live.

If you think black people have a motivation problem, open up a Wal-Mart and advertise a thousand jobs. Watch 5,000 people show up.

If the states had to vote on slavery, we would have lost the vote.

Those companies that don't see the black and brown communities are missing, out of their closed eye, talent, which leads to money and growth. When baseball, football and basketball couldn't see the field, they missed talent and growth. The same is true in the tech industry.

We reveal our joys and successes, we conceal our pain.

We've removed the ceiling above our dreams. There are no more impossible dreams.

Look at the coded language the Right is using against President Barack Obama. Openly calling him a liar in Congress, saying he is 'not a Christian, he was not born here, he is not one of us.' That makes addressing such issues trickier for the first African-American in the White House.

When they wrote the Constitution, only white male landowners had the right to vote.

I think reconciliation is Obama's goal - but the fight with the Republicans is like a fight with pit bulls, they never let go. Even worse, now the Republicans feel they can keep pushing and he will keep giving. They have not seen a stiff resistance on his part.

While I've spent a lot of quality time with my children, perhaps it's not been enough.

I'm too mature to be angry.

I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers, I needed to run for the office of the president and put forth an agenda of social justice and world peace. In addition, I concluded that someone needed to run and challenge the liberal orthodoxy.

When the doors of opportunity swing open, we must make sure that we are not too drunk or too indifferent to walk through.

To allow injustice and inequality invites a Ferguson to your community. We must stand together, black, white, brown, red, and yellow and fight for justice and equality for all. It's the only way to avoid more Fergusons.

You can be out of slavery and have the right to vote, but unless you have access to capital, industry and technology, you can't fulfill your dreams.

In many ways, history is marked as 'before' and 'after' Rosa Parks. She sat down in order that we all might stand up, and the walls of segregation came down.

Life has its dimensions in the mysterious.

I hear that melting-pot stuff a lot, and all I can say is that we haven't melted.

Our dreams must be stronger than our memories. We must be pulled by our dreams, rater than pushed by our memories.