If you love what you do, it's not work.

When there is no work, I create my own.

The Lord had the wonderful advantage of being able to work alone. Answering why he had not implemented organizational reforms after five months when 'God created the universe in seven day

The mediator for the Palestinian-Israeli issue is the United States, ... and I support very fully their efforts and I encourage the parties to work energetically and constructively with them in search of a durable peace.

The coalition has indicated to me that they will do the maximum to protect the teams that are going to work in Iraq, so I think that, from here, in a few days, the teams will be ready to travel and to start work,

agree with me that if the U.S. were to pay its way and work constructively with other like-minded states, it can get a lot done in this organization and around the world.

The evidence of actual corruption among a small number of UN staff is also profoundly disappointing for all of us who work in the organization,

This is a house of peace and we work in the interest of all nations and this kind of activity is not something that anyone can condone, ... I appeal to them to desist and use other means to raise their complaints.

The U.N. family must do its part, but today I also call yet again on member states to do all they can to ensure a secure environment for U.N. staff as they go about their work in the service of humankind,

I believe it is time for us to work together to try to stabilize Iraq, ... Our decisions should be unified rather than divisive, and I think we would not characterize the decision taken yesterday as unified.

I have quite a lot of work to do and I'm carrying on with my work, ... We have a major agenda next year and the year ahead, trying to reform this organization, so we'll carry on.

I'm confident that next year they will be able to get onto the commission and this situation will be corrected, ... I think they should work towards next year rather than wanting to punish the membership at large.

I had the chance to talk to mothers and their children, ... I was very happy to visit this centre, the work is very valuable and they deserve to be given support.

I know that I speak for the whole world in offering them my heartfelt sympathy and any assistance that the United Nations can give, ... We will be happy to work with other parts of the international community to support the efforts of President Bush and his administration, the American Red Cross, and other U.S. relief organizations who have been our partners in the past.

I know we will not be alone. We will be happy to work with other parts of the international community to support the efforts of President Bush and his administration, the American Red Cross , and other U.S. relief organizations who have been our partners in the past,

It is unfortunate that we've had the disturbances that we've had now, and I appeal to all parties to work with us in managing an orderly withdrawal so that there will be no more casualties in the region.

All of us would have wanted more, but we can work with what we have been given ... It is an important step forward,

As we move forward, we hope we will be able to work with the Iraqis and the coalition to find a mechanism for establishing a caretaker or an interim government until such time elections are organized,

The budget agreed upon today will enable the organization to continue its work uninterrupted while member states pursue the reform proposals adopted during the 2005 world summit.

peoples look to you to solve problems, expect you to work together as governments ... with other institutions.

The good news is that we do have an outcome document, ... Obviously we didn't get everything we wanted, and with 191 member states it's not easy to get an agreement. All of us would have wanted more, but we can work with what we have been given, and I think it is an important step forward.

The good news is that we do have an outcome document. Obviously we didn't get everything we wanted, and with 191 member states it's not easy to get an agreement. All of us would have wanted more, but we can work with what we have been given, and I think it is an important step forward.

We have made it clear that it does not go around encouraging abortions, ... It does give good advice to women in the area of reproductive health and does very good work around the world, including in China.

The prevailing mood is one of optimism, ... The parties have proclaimed ... their determination to work together. At long last we can all sense a new wave of movement.