We are only two months into the agreement, and what we are looking for it long-term cooperation -- cooperation that will allow inspectors to do their work in an unrestricted manner.

We are determined to work with the government, with our NGO (non-governmental organization) partners and all the U.N. agencies here to ensure that all of those in need do get the help,

I think this is a new beginning. It is not an end. There's lots of hard work ahead.

John took so long getting to the U.N. that we put him to work straight away, ... We threw him in at the deep end and he has been working ever since with the other ambassadors on the reform proposals.

I think the United States government is working very hard with the parties to move the process forward, and I urge and encourage the parties to really work with the United States government to make the compromises necessary and move the process forward,

If the international community is going to make progress on this issue, I think it's essential we all come together, and work with the Russians who are playing a very constructive role, and I'm in touch with them,

I am very concerned that despite some signs of progress, the work may not finish on time and that the deadline will be missed,

Obviously we didn't get everything we wanted and with 191 member states it's not easy to get an agreement, ... All of us would have wanted more but we can work with what we have been given, and it's a step forward.

We need to be able to work to resolve it, and I hope there will be no steps taken to escalate the situation.

The only way to halt an escalation of violence is for Israelis and Palestinians to work towards a viable negotiating process aimed at a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement,

work this out and come up with an acceptable resolution.

We are pressing ahead with our contingency planning and we hope to be ready to work with the African Union as we move forward to the implementation of the anticipated decision by the (UN) Security Council that we push ahead with the transition.

But I hope the work that has been done will not be wasted and that the people of Cyprus -- both Turkish and Greeks -- will see an advantage in pursuing this effort and bringing it to a fruitful conclusion.

We have a clear mandate from the Security Council to do whatever we can to work with the government and the people of Iraq to make sure Iraq takes charge of its own future and develops a stable peaceful society,

There are a lot of people who have come here to work here to tackle the food crisis,

We are going to work with the Congolese people and the government to make sure we make progress and consolidate peace and stability.

The people and government of Pakistan are faced with an extraordinary challenge and we need to make an extraordinary effort to support them, ... What is needed is an immediate and exceptional escalation of the global relief effort to support the work of the government of Pakistan.

I'm hoping that we can work things out for all parties. I'm an optimist with that. I certainly can understand their frustration. We've been in this for a long time, and I'm optimistic that we can work with our private schools to come up with a compromise that will work for all parties.

Council received approximately sixty calls during the night and each team had to work in very trying conditions.

Distanced from the work by crowds and railings, they may listen on their Acoustiguides to the plummy vowels of the Met's director, Philippe de Montebello, discoursing like an undertaker on the merits of the deceased.

was a master of a number of theatrical dialects, but his work was always characterized by a profoundly humane spirit. Derek believed that the theater could really matter. In a brief but extraordinary career, he demonstrated just that.

We don't think there will be any environmental degradation, ... It's basically going into areas where you've already got stuff happening, where you've got existing NEPA work that had been completed. We think in many cases this is just duplicative work.

We don't want an opt-out and what we do want is a proper balance between work and family life in Britain and every other member state of the EU,

Part of this day really is a celebration of all of the work the motorcyclists have done. They've worked all year long - they don't let anyone off the hook.