I'm like a tourist when I'm in London.

Someone once referred to modeling as being like winning the lottery gene pool. It's such an odd way to put things, but what is different about modelling is that the industry often picks you.

A girl must have an indefinable magic, real character, a strong sense of self. Her role is to respond to the brief of a photographer or communicate the vision of a designer - while making whatever she does look utterly effortless and whatever she wears utterly seamless.

It makes me cross when I hear people say, 'It's so last season.' I always say, 'It's vintage.'

I'm utterly androgynous, and I truly love it. It's been part of my identity for so long. I've never been that pretty girl, and I wouldn't want to be.

My plan growing up was to leave home and try not to panic. I always knew that to strive to be self-sufficient was an important ambition.

I shopped a lot on 1stdibs.com when I first started modelling. Just whenever, I've always been on and bought all my furniture on 1stdibs.com.

I definitely only want to do charity work that I'm hands-on involved in. I don't want to get a dress on and go to a stupid event.

I always love a side of guacamole with everything.

The short amount of time I'm out on the runway is like going on a rollercoaster. It's such a happy, exciting feeling. I'm more like a racehorse ready to go - I just want to get out there.

I love being in Chicago.

You can put in a curl or put on a lip color or mascara, but the important thing is that the health of your skin and hair is shining through.

I've met some of my best friends in the world working for Victoria's Secret.

My favorite memory from school was going to football games with my friends. We always had so much spirit and dressed up to go to the games, even though our team was pretty bad.

I can't even sleep in. My body won't let me.

It's really not important what my personal life is.

I never thought I was cute, ever.

I can shoot a basket pretty well.

I'm a homebody, but I make people come to me, like, 'Everyone just come over, and we can have fun at my house.' I love to entertain.

I love going on dates and talking.

As a model, you're such a gypsy, so that 'home' element is kind of taken from you.

Rome is one of my favourite cities in the world.

Perfection is really boring!

I think that, like any art, fashion is about expression. It allows you to express yourself and your identity through what you choose to wear.