I think there's something special and timeless about girls getting ready together.

I always stay active, even if I'm on vacation.

People should embrace themselves.

I don't think people should confuse fantasy and reality because no one is perfect - we all know that.

I modeled for 4 years before I felt like I had my big break.

I was such a tomboy - goofy and, in my eyes, nerdy - and I never thought I would end up in modeling. I mean, you see pictures of these girls in magazines who have this incredible talent, and no one ever really thinks you can make it to that level. At least I didn't!

I make sure the foods I eat will benefit the appearance of my hair, skin and nails.

The most important thing for staying in shape is having fun with your workouts.

It's people's own prerogative to be able to look at something and know the difference between 'this is what someone looks like with make-up on' and 'this is what they look like in real life.'

I work out twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. I'll start with half an hour of running and then some yoga to stretch everything out so everything is warm.

My favourite beauty look is definitely '70s beauty - sun kissed skin, wavy hair and defined eyes.

I love doing my own make-up.

Australian people are dope. They're so fun. They want to just have a good time, and they have a great sense of humour.

It's important to be fit, but you shouldn't get too skinny. You need to have curves.

Backstage at the Victoria's Secret show is pure madness. Big personalities, big hair, and tons of press.

You could be doing a million butt lifts, but your butt is not going to get any bigger because there is nothing to build on. Your body needs food to make that happen.

Even if you don't have time for a big workout, stretching in the morning and night really changes your body.

I love lipbalms in general; they're very important!

I get so busy that I forget to eat, and that's really hurt me in the past. I gained weight from that.

I am genuine, fun and passionate.

I can't maintain the body of a 16-year-old anymore. That's just a really boring life to me. You really just cannot do anything fun, ever.

Music inspires me.

Coming from an athletic background, the scientific aspect is a really big part of understanding beauty and how the body works.

There is just something about starting your day with something luxurious like a bath.