Women should be sure of themselves because women have a lot of capacities. We can achieve so many different things that men cannot. I think women are stronger.

I'm like a little kid when it comes to music. I mean, the music is always blasting wherever I am that people always knock on my door and say, 'It's too loud!' But I think music gives so much inspiration.

I don't even know what my natural colour is. Natural? What is natural? What is that? I do not believe in totally natural for women. For me, natural has something to do with vegetables.

I find older men more attractive than boys. I need a man who can teach me a thing or two.

How do I keep young? Haven't you heard? I sleep every night in the deep freezer!

Gianni created the whole thing. I came later and helped him.

As with most things in my life, I believe you should try to enjoy yourself and never feel like you are a slave to a routine.

I wake up at about the same time every day. I sleep well and wake without an alarm clock.

Something has to change in the world. Without change, young people will have no future.

When I meet celebrities, I have to know what they are like and only then can I design. The clothes have to fit their personality.

Some say the economy means that you have to persuade people to invest in clothes - to buy less things but more expensive things. I disagree - invest in jewelry, or a house, maybe, but not in fashion.

At that time of the supermodels, celebrities didn't want to be in fashion; they thought they were more intellectual and interesting than anyone in fashion.

Showing your femininity should help your career and not go against your career. Dressing like a man, using the suit to look powerful - that was the '80s, and that didn't help women.

When I work, I wear pants usually because I want to be comfortable. I wear dark colors, especially in winter, because I don't want to concentrate on myself but on what I'm working on. Because I really, really love clothes, I can start to think too much about myself. It's distracting.

Sometimes big designers are afraid that people won't recognize them if they change that much.

For so long Versace couture was identified with celebrities and music, which I love. But at the same time it could overwhelm the clothes.

My muse changes all the time because I think every designer is a bit of a muse for themselves in a way - they just don't want to say it.

People are always surprised when they spend time with my children by how normal they are. They're polite. They're well mannered. They're very down to earth, in a way.

My mother didn't want me to be in fashion. She was in the fashion business, so was my brother, and she thought it was too crazy for me. She wanted me to be married with children, to be independent, yes, but not to have a crazy life.

I love anyone who breaks the rules, and musicians always break the rules - in an aggressive way.

I know who the Versace woman is, because I wear the clothes myself.

I don't like my physique at all.

You can never forget the time you're living in because the past is the past and it will never come back. So to adjust your philosophy and creativity in fashion to the time you're living in is the most important thing.

I understand that the rule of fashion is to change, even as a successful designer - you do not want to be stuck in the same rut.