A business woman needs a successful mix of design and practicality.

For me the safety pin is about rebellion, and I'm punk in the soul.

If I could dress anyone, I'd like to dress the Queen - she can handle anything. I'd put her in black - she never wears black - and add a little leather, maybe. A little rock n' roll.

Powerful women intimidate men. If she's a really well-known woman, she has a career, she's famous - in that case, men are really afraid.

The suit does not represent the businessman anymore. Nor does the loud shirt represent the rock star. The same man can now wear both.

You can't pretend that everybody likes Versace. It would be boring. It's better to create a reaction than to create no reaction. That's dangerous.

Let's just say beauty inspires me. But I like all beauty - I think it really comes from the inside out.

In fashion, only sexy won't go out of fashion.

I think glamour all the time. I wake up in the morning and I'm already thinking glamour.

Fashion is all about happiness. It's fun. It's important. But it's not medicine.

In mythology, the Medusa can petrify people with a look - which is a good thing, I think. But the Medusa is a unique symbol - something strong. It's about going all the way.

Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream.

Fashion is a weapon that you can use when you need it.

It's no good being too easily swayed by people's opinions. You have to believe in yourself.

Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt.

Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.

You need, in your closet, clothes that will - that you can use in many different ways. Clothes that make you fell comfortable, clothes that make you feel 'you.'

There are emerging countries. I mean, there are countries, you know, China, India, and Brazil, and all of these countries that are emerging. They are building homes. They are building - so there is a new lifestyle.

I used the aspects of being a woman to my advantage, but I worked for myself, not a big corporation, so I was lucky to have the freedom to behave however I liked.

I don't think we should always look at the Chinese like they're taking jobs. They are also bring us more and more jobs. Because, they are the biggest growing consumer. I think what is going on in China is exciting.

I believe that all women should have children. I think women are made to have children and to be mothers. I also think women have to have an identity outside the home.

The best-dressed man is an Italian who is trying to look English, or an Englishman who is trying to look Italian.

I was lucky enough to have it all. To be successful in business, to have children, to raise them on my own, and to travel and live my life. It was a lot of work, but it's a privilege to have been able to do it.

I never modeled myself after anyone. The person who had most influence on me was my mother, but it was really for her strength and courage more than her style, even though she had a lot of style. In a weird way, looking at pictures of me when I was 17 or 18, I was dressing the same way. I haven't changed very much.