I am almost a vegetarian, and I meditate, do yoga and love to hike.

The most important thing is to be healthy, to drink a lot of water, to fight gravity as much as possible. I am one of the few people who decided I wasn't going to do any invasion with my face.

I can honestly say that I understand women very well. If you understand yourself, you understand women, because, in the end, all women are the same.

Women are strong. We can do it all. But not always at the same time.

I gave up on my looks a long time ago.

My clothes are great for a honeymoon: They're light and sexy, colorful and pretty, and not expensive.

I travel in so many different ways; I travel high, I rough it... it all depends on who I travel with.

My mother said that we're so lucky to be women. It's not that men are weak. Men are men. We're two completely different animals.

I adore dark chocolate.

I've always been inspired by women, and my mission was to inspire women. I always wanted to become a certain kind of woman, and I became that woman through fashion. It was a dialogue. I would see that the wrap dress made those women confident, and made them act with confidence.

I always was fascinated with China, because I was born in Europe, and for us, China had this fascination and mystery. The first time I came here was in 1989. They were on bicycles, and the speed of the growth has been incredible.

I don't like to talk about my dreams. I like to make them happen. I prefer to talk about them when they're done.

I was terrified the first time that I had a big problem in my business. I was obviously terrified when they diagnosed me with cancer in 1994. I was terrified when my son used to drive too fast. But I do believe in the fact that fear is not an option, so I always try to face it and not be afraid.

A challenging economy is always good for design. It unites necessity and functionality. You are forced to be creative with poor materials.

I am not allowed to be afraid. My mother made me like that. As a child, if I was afraid of the dark, she would lock me in the closet. Things like this. And she would talk about the time she spent in the concentration camp, but not about being afraid, only about the good side of it.

Work and children I could have. But the husband was just too much.

I wanted to be an empowered woman, and I became an empowered woman. And now I want to empower every woman. And I do it through my clothes, I do it through my words, I do it through my money, I do it through everything.

I had arranged a birthday party for him and my children, who are all Aquarians. Instead, we got married. I ran out of excuses. It was just us and my children.

What I think I sell with my clothes is confidence, so hopefully all my dresses, my accessories, are friends to the women. When you open the closet, and your eyes are swollen, and you don't like the way you look, you go to your friends.

The way I design generally is very much travel-oriented because that is my life. That's why I make clothes that are so light and so easy to pack and a little bit seasonless.

All I can tell you is that I've never met a woman who is not strong, but sometimes they don't let it out. Then there's a tragedy, and then all of a sudden that strength comes. My message is let the strength come out before the tragedy.

If you're a good person, the goodness will continue through your descendants.

I am a traveler. I am a nomad. I rarely sleep in the same bed more than three or four nights. And I know hotel life better than anyone.

I had good legs, and I loved showing them off.