My dad wanted to have a son, and then he ended up with my sister and I, so from the time we could walk, we were constantly playing sports.

I like to mix cardio with bodyweight exercises.

Pre-workout meal, I eat eggs over toast with cheese because I need that protein before I work out.

My favorite airport snack is probably either a smoothie with berries and Greek yogurt from Jamba Juice or an Auntie Anne's pretzel because I cannot walk past Auntie Anne's smelling that without eating it.

I'm a really active person. I feel gross when I'm not.

I put in oils and creams in my hair 3 times a day, and it just soaks it up, and then I have a bunch of special shampoos.

I aspire to be an icon in a womanly, healthy way. I don't want to be some skinny, gaunt model nobody can relate to.

If I didn't finish high school, I would wonder about that part of my life.

I don't think I picked up a 'Vogue' until I was, like, 16.

Models will always get a bad rap about weight, but I love to eat.

There was a time when no one wanted me, and then, all of a sudden, I am working like crazy. It's insane.

I like to bring some hydrating face oils and de-puffing eye patches in case I get puffy on the flight. I also always am sure to travel with my own silk eye mask; it's so necessary when trying to sleep on flights.

Sometimes I can go out all night, but I'm a girl that needs at least 8 hours of snooze, so I stay in a lot.

I love wearing Aqua de Gioia by Armani, and Chanel.

I love the Food Network.

I love cooking and baking in my free time and getting outside and walking around, as well as shopping and eating.

I am not so bad, actually, at doing my own makeup, so for more low-key events, I'll do my own, but for something like 'Harper's Bazaar' Icons Party, I would definitely get a makeup artist or a hair artist if I had time.

I'm a firm believer in exfoliation because of all the makeup that we get put on our skin.

I like the Chanel mascaras.

One of my favourite tricks is using a cream pencil or liner on the waterline under the eye; then it makes your eyes look bigger and brighter.

I'm a product fiend. I love the Clarisonic cleansing brush; it's an amazing exfoliator that gets rid of all the dirt every day. And I use Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion - I don't break out that much, but I feel like it's a good preventative.

This might be the wrong answer, but I kind of just eat whatever I want in moderation.

I did, like, every workout class in New York.

I don't believe in dieting.