I have to have breakfast, or I will literally pass out.

I feel like you can eat everything that you want in moderation.

Honestly, I don't need to diet or cut things out to stay fit because I work out a lot.

I put on moisturizer on my face and leave-in conditioner in my hair before I go to bed. I'm blonde, so if I don't put in leave-in, my hair will break.

I love hair oils, lipsticks, and conditioners. I have so many.

I use Tata Harper Illuminating Eye Cream to depuff my eyes.

I'm friends with a lot of influencers, and I'm very supportive. They want to come in and do what I'm doing, and I want to branch out to what they're doing.

I want to build a brand for myself and get booked for being me, while others will get booked for being them.

I just love social media. I love that you can create your own image of yourself.

Having a performance goal is really fun because it gives you something to work for in every single session. As opposed to just thinking, 'Okay, I want to have abs,' you can build your way up through having performance goals to get abs and to get stronger all over!

I'm kind of naturally thin, so if I were to completely crash diet, I'd almost be too skinny, and for the VS show, you want to look strong and muscular and fit. Leading up to the show, I eat everything that I normally do, but I moderate it.

I actually broke my nose when I was 7 years old, and I'm always super conscious that it turns slightly one way. I have a slight bump in it, too, but I've found that if I put a bit of concealer on one side of the bump, it seems to blend in more.

If I do get a blemish, I use Clinique Acne Solutions spot treatment.

Living in New York, there's so much pollution, it's really good to just give your skin a reboot and get off all those dead skin cells. Then, moisture is everything just because my skin gets dried out so much from putting on makeup and pulling it off all day that I love face masks.

You know how hard it is to be blonde? I have to get a highlight every month! Do you know how expensive that is?

Beauty secrets are meant to be shared with the world!

My sister, mom, and I always make holiday treats like Christmas cutout cookies and red and green chocolate chip cookies.

I make a honey, egg white, and lemon face mask. It helps to reduce the appearance of sun spots and pimples; plus, it's so nutritious and natural, what could be better!

My signature dish - something I've been making since I was 10 - is angel hair pasta with shrimp and feta in a white-wine basil sauce with tomatoes, because it's absolutely amazing.

My parents raised me to put school first and modeling and extracurriculars second.

Hydration is key! I know that is an obvious one, but drinking tons of water and keeping your skin hydrated is very important.

Relationships with a modeling career is super difficult.

Social media just plays this massive factor in all of our lives now, and also, the bloggers and influencers are coming in and taking our jobs as models.

I sleep at least nine hours a night - honestly. And I drink a lot of water.