Fashion is all about references. All these names being thrown around.

Getting older is baggage for so many people but I don't spend time on things I can't control. Wrinkles don't scare me; they're a part of life, and I will and do embrace them, but I look at surgery, and that scares me.

I remember doing a shoot for Herb Ritts, hanging off the Eiffel Tower - that wasn't your usual day at the office. It was terrifying, and in the end, you couldn't really tell how high I was because the photographer was scared of heights, so he was quite far away from me.

When I was 18, and my looks were what I was - and all that I was - it did feel very limiting.

You know, all these sentiments about beauty coming from within, they've always resonated when I've read them, but it takes a bit of living to truly appreciate them. To realise we are so much more than our experiences, that we are who we are because of the lessons we've learnt, now that's what true 'beauty' is for me.

I have good skin, but it's dry - drier than you would think, considering I have Latin skin. It's fairly transparent, too, so I'm constantly trying to give it nourishment and moisture, but nothing really holds.

In many countries, women aren't jubilant when they learn they are pregnant. Quite the opposite - they're terrified.

Mothers need mothers. Let's be there for one another.

I feel like being a good model for my children is something that I do take seriously.

I'm not a morning person.

In my teen years, I was hanging out with adults - Steven Meisel, Francois Nars, Oribe, Paul Cavaco. We had so much fun! We'd go out in New York.

I have a very heavy-footed walk; I always have.

I never thought I would model for more than a few years.

I always recognized that modeling would allow me to see and do a lot, so I looked for opportunities to learn and grow.

There have been so many photographers and editors who mentored me over the years. At the very beginning, the person who taught me the most was Arthur Elgort. I always loved working with him. We traveled a lot together.

I never looked at magazines before I started modeling. I was 13 or 14, and none of my friends were into magazines. We were into the fashion of the day, though.

Access to maternal healthcare is a human right.

There are disparities in accessing quality maternity health care in most every country, and most all health systems could and must be improved upon if we want to create healthy families who will thrive.

In some countries, as many as 91 percent of women have no one at their side to assist them during labor and delivery.

Like so many new moms, I felt anxiety over the impending birth of my daughter. However, most of the anxiety I felt was around the idea of raising a child. I wasn't focused on potential risks to my health or hers that could occur during the actual birth.

Giving birth was probably the most empowering thing I've ever done physically. I was like, 'Now I can do anything. I can run a marathon... I can run three marathons!'

There has been a lot of media attention around the dangers of drugs used to treat mental illness on the fetus.

I do everything in moderation.

As a parent, I can get so frustrated. Any parent can!