I usually run in the morning and like to have something substantial but light to eat before and after. My go-to choices are either a banana with almond butter or a smoothie.

More than half of pregnant women in the U.S. are obese, which leads to complications like hypertension, gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

Yoga has helped me to see death as more of a gift than a loss, and that has been my experience so far.

Yoga gave me the ability to calm down.

Health is your greatest wealth, so experiencing a marathon and seeing what you're capable of is really special.

With every passing year, I feel more fulfilled.

I'd rather go naked than wear fur.

Cholera is even more severe among populations who are immunologically naive.

I think each woman has her own relationship to beauty.

Every Mother Counts is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother. We inform, engage, and mobilize audiences to take action and raise funds that support maternal health programs around the world.

It is possible to experience an awakening in this life through realising just how precious each moment, each mental process, and each breath truly is.

I sincerely feel that beauty largely comes from within.

I enjoy the celebration of my birthday as much as anyone else does, but I always remember to start my day thanking my mom because she did most of the work the day I came into the world, not to mention all she has done throughout my life that has contributed so much to the woman I am today.

When you are balanced and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.

Look for rash guards that come treated, for further sun protection, and never forget your hat!

I start by moisturizing my face neck and chest with my own anti-aging SPF And IR Defense Sunblock called Recapture 360... Allow to sink in... Then I like Neutrogena's range of spray on sunblocks for body... then I use a foundation with SPF 30 or higher on my face to add yet another layer of protection to my face.

When doing sports... on the water, it's crucial to stop aging by protecting your skin.

I have sun damage that I want to repair, but I also want to keep myself from further damage.

We need to protect our wilderness areas and national parks. Everywhere you travel, you see blight, denuded mountains, logging. If people know what's going on, they'll become activists to safeguard those places.

My work makes me a better mom. It gives me a little door to step out of my parenting and bring the excitement from my day back home.

Most of the time, I've got my kids with me, so I'm not as prone to meeting people. And then, you never really know if someone is talking to you because you're a celebrity.

I like coffee in the morning and decaf green tea throughout the day... When I was younger and modeling, to kick-start a diet I would do a juice cleanse.

Whenever I wore a bathing suit, I kept a sarong around my hips that went halfway down my thighs. The tops of my thighs are like baby skin. Where the sarong ended, I can see sun damage: I've got dark spots and places where there is no melanin. The spots are not pretty, so I encourage everyone to protect their skin from the sun.

I crank up the music, and I dance around the house.