Anna Wintour is the most powerful woman in the global fashion industry, the first lady of fashion. She's a politician; I'm a stylist. They are two very different jobs.

The fashion industry certainly has its obscene sides. The cost of a coat can be obscene. So can the cost of a photo shoot if you're working with a really good photographer.

People always say, 'You look like Iggy Pop.'

In a way, I envy the freedom artists have. Artists can push themselves beyond their limits, in pursuit of their ideas and their vision, even if they are inhabited by demons that can also play tricks on them.

Monsieur Saint Laurent was pathologically shy, and he made the Saint Laurent woman in his own image. Like her, I am shy. And to protect myself, I adopted something of an androgynous look, just as his women did.

Just because someone is holding a gun doesn't make an image controversial. It all depends on where you put the gun, who is holding it.

My private life is a lot more ladylike and less sultry than the fashion photos I imagine.

Fashion is one big family.

When you love fashion, there is no weekend. Everything just blends together.

London Fashion Week isn't the most organised, but I don't mind that. It's such an exciting place - it's small and cool.

Working for a magazine, you have a boss; you are not free.

It's interesting to know how much you are worth.

When I was working with Tom Ford, he would just look at me and ask, 'Will you wear it?' I'd say, 'Ah, too long, too short, lower waist, deeper V, unbutton' - that sort of thing. I don't create clothes, but I definitely know how to make them come alive.

I am not mean at all; I am not tough at all.

It's funny, everything is so much easier when you do it yourself.

Fashion is very tough, and we shouldn't forget that before designers were money-makers, they were artists.

When you give a lot of confidence in people and you don't get it back, you are a bit disappointed, but it's life.

I have a lot to say about fashion - not just about fashion, but beauty, art.

My name has become a brand - it could be make-up, clothing, perfume.

I see girls who are so skinny on the catwalks, and I know so many of them destroy their lives and their family's lives.

When you have a magazine like 'Vogue,' you know a lot of kids are going to follow your pictures.

You can be beautiful with big breasts; you can be beautiful in your 40s. If you don't have perfect ankles, still you can move your legs in a certain way and look very sexy.

Sometimes, when you go to airport and look at the people, you see the worst looks - but the worst looks can give you more ideas than the best looks.

When you get older, you have to stay a bit rock n' roll so that young people will still be interested in you. The way you move, the way you talk, maybe the way you have your hair in your face a little bit - this keeps you interesting.